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phish.com & Paluska Official Statement Re:Coventry


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zero, your presence here is generally amusing, erudite, and well spoken. but crafting a fake letter - definitely the most juvenile thing i've read from you.

this post isn't even related to the content of the letter or the band or the breakup. your attempt at humour was simply lost. try phantasy phish for this kind of stuff.


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A little harsh don't you think? It just dawned on me with Werlin and Paluska apologizing for the logistical nightmare that it would be funny to have Carini apologize for the setlist nightmare- kind of a kill the messenger type thing. Considering that you took the hook it must have been pretty well done.

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Pretty weak. It obviously wasn't legit anyway, from the first time I read it.

Why would anyone who obviously owes their career to the band turn loyalty so fast and slam everything? The arguments "carini" made don't even make sense to anyone who knows anything about this band.

Kind of a loser move

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Easy there pardners it was a fu©king joke. Although I would be quite interested to hear Colin wax philosophic about the true heady reasons for the breakup and how he is in the loop. It's anybody's guess and I'm pretty sure the whole thing is a bit more involved then 'Trey's on oxycontin'.

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I think it was this whole 'public safety' nightmare. It's all fine and good to ferry people down in schoolbuses but if word got out that's what was going on people would've left their cars where they were and just hauled ass creating a potential riot scenario- I'm sure that's what the concern was, where to put the cars not where to put the people.

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