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What if the whole world voted in the US election?


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haha - from the same site:

What happened to the votes from Niger?

It appears somebody set up a distributed human or robot voting group to cast votes purporting to be from Niger.

More than 5000 votes had been cast by the time we noticed this.

Those votes have been disqualified and the IP addresses of the voters banned for the moment.

A close look at the data and the server logs showed that this concerted effort, be it human or robot in nature, did not originate in Niger.

We are considering a new authentication method that would require you to enter an e-mail address and answer an automated e-mail to "activate" your vote.

If you have a strong opinion on that subject, please let us know so we can make the best decision.

We are also considering other anti-vote-spamming measures, but in answer to the obvious question: we do not want to limit votes to one per IP address, as that would lock out internet cafes and with them a large portion of the online world.

The disqualified votes are still in the database, so if you think we are doing the wrong thing by considering these ballots "spoiled" please tell us why and we will consider your argument.

Finally, please play nice. Betavote is not advocating one candidate over the other. This project is only interesting if people participate in a fair and honest way.

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It's an interesting exercise that's for sure. I wonder why the American people are the only ones who can't see the destruction of the Bush government and they're living right in it!

It's kinda like telling someone to get out of an abusive relationship. Everyone else can see it, but they can't.

I wouldn't want the rest of the world voting for the Canadian government though.

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I wonder why the American people are the only ones who can't see the destruction of the Bush government and they're living right in it!

Most likely because the people who vote for Bush are getting rich off his schemes.

And we shouldn't forget that they can vote for whoever they want. It's not too hard to believe that some people actually agree with his policies and beliefs. That's why he's President. Aside from all the Florida recount stuff, a LOT of people voted for Bush.

Heh, if people outside Canada were to vote for our Prime Minister, they'd probably pick Tim Horton or something... I don't think many people pay attention to our politics...


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The rich and powerful get richer and more powerful under Bush. The rest of his support comes from people who believe his lies, the religious right and right wing hate groups. I was just in NYC. There's going to be one hell of a protest there next week.


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