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True definition of too much!


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Now this is fu©ked up....


MARIETTA, Georgia (AP) -- A drunken driver hit a telephone pole support wire that decapitated his passenger, police said.

He then drove 12 miles home and slept in his bloody clothes, police said, leaving the headless body in his truck.

A neighbor walking with his young daughter Sunday morning discovered Daniel Brohm's headless corpse in the truck in John Kemper Hutcherson's driveway and called authorities, said Cpl. Dana Pierce, county police spokesman.

Officers said they found Hutcherson asleep inside his home, visibly drunk and his clothes bloody, and later found Brohm's severed head at the crash site.

"It's hard for one to imagine that you would drive miles from a crash site to your home, turning in various directions, and yet not know what has happened to a passenger sitting next to you," Pierce said.

Hutcherson, 21, was charged with vehicular homicide, driving under the influence and failure to stop at an accident with death or injury. He was jailed on a $100,000 bond; it was unclear Monday whether he had an attorney.

Police said Hutcherson and Brohm -- friends since high school -- were drinking at a bar Saturday night and left after Brohm said he felt sick.

Brohm, 23, apparently was leaning out of the window when Hutcherson hit the support wire about a mile and a half from the bar, but police did not know why.


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Your Smiling Face

by James Taylor

Whenever I see your smiling face

I have to smile myself

Because I love you, yes I do

And when you give me that pretty little pout

It turns me inside out

There's something about you, baby

I don't know

Isn't it amazing a man like me

Can feel this way

Tell me how much longer

If it grows stronger every day

Oh, how much longer

Thought I was in love a couple of times before

With the girl next door

But that was long before I met you

Now I'm sure that I won't forget you

And I thank my lucky stars

That you are who you are

And not just another lovely lady

Sent down to break my heart

Isn't it amazing a man like me

Can feel this way

Tell me how much longer

If it grows stronger every day, yeah

No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong today

Whenever I see you smile at me

No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong today

Whenever I see your smiling face my way

(repeat to end)


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I remember one time Danny and I were playing a game of pick-up baseball down at the City Park. We had met a bunch of dudes from Florida who were en route to a business meeting, and after a few drinks, we headed over to the baseball diamonds. Well, let me tell ya, Danny was pretty loaded by the sixth inning, and we were up by 7. Turns out - get this! - the bat we were using had a good 'ol dent in it! So, we got Danny down on the ground and tore off his left leg. Man, was that a gas! We just used it as a bat - you shoulda seen 'ol Danny hopping around the diamond with his one stupid leg! ::

Damn, I'm gonna miss that guy!!

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Another time, Danny and I were coming back from a Ipsa Delta kegger over in Athens when we pulled through a Burger King drive thru. God, were we ever toasted! So, we pull up and the guy behind the counter has a funny accent, like he's from India or Pakistan or Boston or something. Danny's just screaming into the drive-thru order window like Apu, ya know: "Thank you, come again!" - he just says this over and over until the dude behind the microphone basically says, "goodnight fellas" and refuses to take our order.

Well, you know Danny - that's just too much. So he starts banging on the front windows - "gimme my Whopper you assholes!", that kinda thing. Next thing you know, the window gives way and Danny just goes crashing through! Tore his right arm right off!! Fortunately, Danny's left handed right? So, when the staff comes running over to help, he picks up his other arm and just starts slapping the drive-thru guy in the face with it, over and over, screaming "THANK YOU! COME AGAIN!!!!" and just basically laughing his ass off the whole time.

Of course, I was so loaded I didn't know about any of this until the next morning when Danny called me from prison. I had just kept on driving back to Mariette. I thought that sonofabitch was right there the whole time! Even told him about the time I nailed his sister! BUT HE WASN'T EVEN THERE!!! Gotta love that guy! He said the drive-thru guy was so freaked out by all the blood splattering in his face, he passed out right there and then and later he heard he took the first flight back to Bangladesh or Jersey City or wherever! I didn’t stop laughing for a week!

Man, Danny was something else, we are gonna miss that mofo!!

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