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Going Postal


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If we were face to face, if we had any history together, if indeed this very exchange were taking place in person (which perhaps it couldn't) I think everyone would take away a far different impression of what I am trying to accomplish. You would see the smirk on my face, you would read my facial cues, body language, you would read the snickers on my friends faces saying 'he's baiting you don't fall for it or rather do'.

That's what the smilies are for dude! :: :: ;) :: :D:P :: :: :) :: :( :: :o ::

Embrace the smilies, zero... embrace.... :D :D :D

- M.

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So what happened?? you went out and saw some people pointing and whispering? were they wearing patchouli and tie dye? have beards? if they were ladies were their beards under their arms?

I'm glad you tweak out on here because I'm sure there would be some seriously ominous sh!t hitting the fan otherwise.

I agree with you luke in some ways, but not quite to your levels...

I like both DD and tNSG because they get out there and give'r. they love it and have a fun time. They don't seem to be trying to break musical boundaries, just expressing themselves in a way they know how to.

You seem to appreciate bands that try to express themselves in ways they don't know how to but understand how to and communicate well...bands that have 'it' and 'it' is very hard to find - as a musician I know when i'm playing with somebody that's got 'it' and somebody that's good, not so good, or incredibly good...there are some amazing musicians out there that don't quite have 'it' but that 'it' is what you love.

It's what I love and really feel for when i find new sounds but I'm not as seemingly pissy as you are when a band gets popular and gets praise when they don't have the specific 'it' you like...

I think DD and tNSG have SOMETHING...and if it's not the 'it' that you seek it could the 'it' somebody else does.

I certainly know that I like cool people that play good music that i can enjoy and other people can enjoy. heck, i like assholes with charisma that can play crappy music with flair...I'm pretty amicable - not quite agreeable. i see a difference.

maybe you're looking for a certain flair that the party bands severely lack. it's hard to take you as seriously as I'd like to when you're as demanding as you can be sometimes, but it's one thing that i appreciate about you.

if you didn't strive for excellence and not care what other people think you'd be like a good portion of the people in canada, let alone this and many other music messageboards.

this is a great community and i know you want it to only get greater.

although it's true that you attract more flies with honey than with vinegar...who the hell wants flies anyhow.

i think luke likes butterflies, people. beautiful, peaceful, insightful butterflies...don't mistake that moth for what luke wants now...

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