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The Sun'll come out tomorrow


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I used to think that this was a supportive community of friends and family. Now I realize that for the most part it is a crowd of craven drug and alcohol abusers who cannot spend time with one another with out substances. If the music is that good how come we all need to get so fu©ked up?

It will take a long time for me to recover from this. I spent a good amount of time at the hospital tonight. I will never forget those of you who so heinously showed what low values and poor upbringings you have. Anything I have achieved by this day and anything I achieve in the future is by my own sweat and tears. I will not support any of you in your life's work, dreams and aspirations as you have not supported me. This pains me greatly.

Goodnight, Goodbye.

Above quote by zero.

I thought you said "Goodnight, Goodbye?" Did you only mean "Goodbye" until the next day? As that above statement seems more significant than just "Goodbye," until tomorrow, I thought you meant "Goodbye" you won't hear (or read) from me again on this board.

I'm just curious. Actually I enjoy much of the things that you write on this board, so it's not like I want you gone. I just want to know what you meant about the above statement, and if it meant that you were leaving us here at the Sanctuary then why are you still here?

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I'm just curious. Actually I enjoy much of the things that you write on this board, so it's not like I want you gone. I just want to know what you meant about the above statement, and if it meant that you were leaving us here at the Sanctuary then why are you still here?

Hypocrisy,thats the reason.


Now I realize that for the most part it is a crowd of craven drug and alcohol abusers who cannot spend time with one another with out substances. If the music is that good how come we all need to get so fu©ked up?

Written while on acid.... ::

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I meant goodbye goodbye. I have extended my departure to try and keep some of the misperceptions raging out of control in check.

Esau I took the paper and did what I would have done if I hadn't been attacked- like a raped woman going back to the club she was assaulted in. I didn't want to let them win. It is hypocritical to take drugs and denounce them. Then again this whole board and culture is a COMPLETE AND UTTER HYPOCRISY. Cloaking itself in the guise of good times and support when the sh!t goes down everyone scatters. It's like that scene in the movie Go where the guys twitching out in the parking lot and everyone is standing around looking at him, then Sarah Polley screams someone get an ambulance. Sarah Polley's character was on drugs too but she had the sense to be the 'first responder'. I am trying to be a first responder, the rest of you are trying to defend your frail egos, your corrupt and valueless culture, your right to take anything you want at any time without impugnity and what not.

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TimmyB - this thread started before the Good-bye thread.

Hey Sunshine,

Yes this thread started before the "Goodnight, Goodbye" thread, but zero had made posts in this thread after the "Goodnight, Goodbye" thread.

Hey zero,

Understood, and thanks for the prompt reply. I will miss much of the great musical related things that you write on this message board, as I'm sure many others will as well.

It's the generalizing that I won't miss. I don't do drugs or drink for that matter (ask anybody who knows me). I also don't judge all those who make a choice to partake in recreational drug use. And when you make broad statements about all of the people on here abusing and/or using drugs, it obviously isn't true, as I'm proof.

I hope you decide to only take a hiatus (the favrite word of the jamband scene in recent years) from us and come back and write more great things about music.


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It is hypocritical to take drugs and denounce them

Admitting it is the first step Luke,congrats.

Where have you been for people when the sh!t went down before,I recall some really nasty comments made by you pertaining to a certian situation not to long ago (which I will leave alone).Also,not to mention the crass henious comments you made yesterday...oh wait,your the only one who knows what community & friendship is right,were all idiots.

As for being the first responder,bullshit & you know it,I've read countless posts from people long before you ever denounced drugs (until the next tab),which btw the way,please enlighten me to when I have ever seen you NOT stoned or drunk at a show....I ended my use other then herb or shrooms over two months ago....how about yourself,when was the last time you did anything..oh yeah,two days ago.

All you have is words Luke,you've proved that and in the big scope of things when people don't listen to you,you got nothing.

If you can't see your own hypocrisy then you got more problems then you realize.

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