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hello west coasters


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Grew up in Toronto, then Ottawa, then Toronto again, then Kingston, then Vancouver, now Whistler. I'm a lawyer (and have received at least one phone call from a potential client wanting to retain me to help retrieve his "blown glass products" from the local RCMP who had "confiscated" them). Never blown any glass myself.

Been seeing concerts for a little more than 20 years, and "jambands", beginning with the Dead in the late-'80s....

Coolest thing I did this weekend: Trailer Park Boys live, hosting a comedy night in Vancouver! Woo hoo!

Hey, that might be a good way to get things going on this west coast board, and in a positive direction:

What's the coolest thing everyone did this weekend? (...and reading tales of woe on this message board doesn't count)

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Very cool Boogieknight. I have two good friends that just moved to Peterborough, they are enjoying it a lot! I have never been further east than Alberta, that's hurtin'.

Coolest thing I did this weekend. A good long walk in Minnekhada Park in Port Coquitlam, the salmon are running, so lots of action. Ravens playing, Great Blue Herons fishing, amazing patience, oh and look out for Bears! Brings me back to earth.

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Alright, we're getting some action on this coast; nice! As I think our eastern friends can see, we have some cool outdoor escapes available out here. (You easterners just have to come by!)

That being said, I'm heading east for next weekend. I expect that the coolest thing I will be doing this upcoming weekend will be seeing nero; woo hoo! I shall report on the show, my costume, etc, in due course, but I hope this west coast thread continues to grow. Nice to see you guys on board; Dougout and Slippy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hello west coasters

i grew up in victoria, spent some time around the province

livin in ontario now too - peterborough

i had a pretty good weekend myself - hung out with some good friends and saw the spades on friday night, and played 36 holes of disc golf today. good daze ::

will be back out west for christmas and new years - spending new years up around long beach :)

- any shows comin to the island that time of year, a heads up would be much appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi all, i have been away from the boards for awhile- Just wanted to give a shout out, i'll be around more now that i live (near Golden) in a dial up zone... hate dial up but have learnt after 8 computerless months- its definately better than nothing.



Theres more traffic here than I remember there to be- right on

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  • 4 weeks later...

well i should pitch in here too! i live in rossland now... tiny town, nothing going on here whatsoever except of course for the ski hill (red mountain). i am currently a ski bum, working as a cook in the cafe at red and enjoying the snow whenever possible. the mountain terrain is amazing! its all about the glades. i want some bands to play here and i'm trying to make it happen!

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Hey Kevo....

Next weekend (the 14th and 15th) my band, SLAMMIN JACK will be out there at the Uplander. Hope to see you there. That hill rules! Do you have any hook-ups for passes or even skis? Actually, I havn't even been on skis since I blew out my A.C.L. two seasons ago. I know it's a tough hill to start back up on, but I think I'm ready. I'm planning on bringing my boots and clothing. The Uplander used to provide passes, but now they've lost there offiliation with the hill.

Either way, that weekend is gonna be sweet!!!


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yo pp!

unfortunately i don't have much in the way of hookups, except if you come through the cafeteria on sunday, i can hook you up with a killer club sandwich!

should be a blast this weekend. hey there are no posters or anything up eh. i'll make some up and post them around town for you in exchange for guest list for both nights, hmmm?

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i should add, you guys are arriving at just the right time... we've received just over 2 feet of snow in the past 3 days!! the riding/skiing in just insane right now, and there is NO ONE here! haehahaha.

(too bad i have a fever and the flu right now ::)

also there is some kind of extreme free skiing competition on this weekend which should be pretty cool to see.

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I'll have no problem putting you on the guest list. It seems though that there's now some confusion as to weather we're playing there this weekend or not. Our agent phoned to ask the management about the gig and they told him that we had just called and cancelled the show so they quickly found another band to play this weekend. None of us know who could have called them. It's definetely one of the weirder things I've encountered. She said that she's gonna try to cantact the other band and get our shows back. I find out everything in the early day tomorrow.

So maybe before doing any poster work you can give the bar a shout and see what they have to say about the show. As well, hoping it is a go, they may have some extra posters.

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Yeah it is too bad. We were super pumped to come out. As well, we already put a lot into travel arrangements and other things. One of the weirdest situations I've seen in this industry.

Anyways, we've got a ski mountain tour coming up in March, and it looks like we'll be in Rossland on the 18th and 19th. This is an "unofficial" word on that one. Pretty soon when it becomes official, we'll post in on our site, jambase.com, here and elsewhere.

For now.... Enjoy all that wonderful powder out there!


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  • 3 weeks later...

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