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umprhey's publicly pokes fun at gordon.....

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Of course it was tacky - that's why I found it so hilarious. They were alluding to information that resided almost exclusively amongst the jam-head fans in attendance at the UM concert. If Kiss had done the same medley at their concert, then no-one would have noticed the Mike's Song tease. The few that might have actually recognized it would have found it hilarious, because they don't pretend that Mike is part of their family or something...

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why would you assume that people are pretending that Mike is a part of their family? Can't some have respect for someone else without exhibiting the flaky attitudes you seem to be accusing anyone who didn't find it funny of. Seems like you simply have a hard time acknowledging that something you might of found funny was not viewed in the same light as you saw it. I can't help you with that.

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Actually Weezy, I love black humour, but it is a comedic form that is dark, subtle and most importantly funny. I don't think that this comes anywhere near what true, well done black comedy is. You do. But, I assure you that I recognize black comedy and love it. Again we just have to agree to disagree on this issue.

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If you've ever sat in a van with a small amount of boys for 4 or more years, you'll find that your humor becomes dumber and dumber and less and less tastefull and sicker and sicker. They weren't trying to prove anything, just being dumb. Which they think is funny. I think it's funny. Who gives a sh!t. You guys should check out there music. It's pretty good. Or don't. Whatever.

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