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$55.00, at the ACC even if it is the Theatre.. Wow for these guys, with an all girl band that has never played bigger than a club.. like i mean are you kidding me i just don't understand how this goes down, wow and you watch it sellout ad even more insult to injury, hop i havn't offended any closet moron fans i mean maroon fans!!!!

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Yes I believe it - one of their songs 'She will be loved' was #1 on the charts for weeks. I hear it everywhere - in restaurants, at school, on the street, up the hall, on TV...can't get away from it. I admire you for being so surprised - good work!

really!! well then. that is news to me. I guess they are famous. I should really turn on MTV or much every know and then so I can stay hip.

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yeah i had no idea who these guys were until somewhat recently. I was given very strange looks. I am so tragically un-hip.

then again (to play devil's advocate) just because some of us here cannot justify paying $55 to see Maroon 5, doesn't mean MarcO's friend can't. Similarily, while many people on this board gladly shelled out upwards of $150 to see Phish play - i know for a fact that logic does not jive with many.

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Right now the new Jennifer Lopez video and Greenday seem to be on continually.

I guess it has no effect on me either way whether Green Day is playing on MuchMusic, but I heard their new record front to back and I have to say, it's awesome. A classic rock opera, beginning to end, and more Who influence than I've heard on any record in a long, long time. It's a serious rock and roll record, I liked it enough to go and buy it.

Oh, and Maroon 5 at the ACC? That's whack, yo.

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Why are a lot of you surprised that this band Maroon 5 are doing so well?

I couldn't even name one of their songs, but I've heard their name mentioned more times than I can recall. So if someone who doesn't watch any MuchMusic or MTV with any regularity or listen to any radio stations knows the name of a band, then they are obviously doing quite well and it should be no surprise to any that they can ask for $55 (plus service charges I'm assuming) at the Air Canada Centre.

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yeah, this rock im under must be pretty fu©king big... maroon who? a bunch of chicks who apparently rock to some? this is all very interesting.

hey, i've heard the flamingo-go's mentioned on here before, my friend is the go-go dancing percussionist... anyways, i just saw a huge full page spread on them in some magazine from michigan, similar to that of eye, or view, or whatever the case... anyways, maybe all-chick bands are gonna be the new thing. i'd be into that, so long as they could rock.

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Guest Low Roller

Maroon 5's overwhelming popularity is completely mind-boggling. Sure they have some catchy and inoffensive pop tunes, but nothing that warrants the non-stop publicity this band receives. They are similar in that vein to other bands such as Hoobastank or Remy Shand- Not horrible, but not terribly interesting either.

When I was in Paris they were all over MTV, and I really didn't understand why.

They did have that one smoking hot topless chick in one of their videos, so maybe that's why the guys like 'em?

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Why are a lot of you surprised that this band Maroon 5 are doing so well?

I couldn't even name one of their songs, but I've heard their name mentioned more times than I can recall. So if someone who doesn't watch any MuchMusic or MTV with any regularity or listen to any radio stations knows the name of a band, then they are obviously doing quite well

Dude, up until here, I can see what you're saying but...

and it should be no surprise to any that they can ask for $55 (plus service charges I'm assuming) at the Air Canada Centre.

...here's where you lose me. Sure, they may be doing well, and yes, even though I don't actively listen to commercial radio or watch MuchMusic, I have heard their name many times, but $55 at the ACC? This was the gig Radiohead was playing on the Kid A tour. Not that I am a huge Radiohead fan, but I recall some friends going to the show. "Maroon 5", to me, has one-hit-wonder written all over them, and I just didn't realize that they had amassed such a ridiculous audience. I'm sure that's what most other people in this thread mean to say. Hey man, if they're making music and making money doing it, all the power to them. I have no time to hate bands whose music doesn't suit my tastes; there's too much good music out there that I've never even heard about - much less actually heard - to fill my time.

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"Wow for these guys, with an all girl band that has never played bigger than a club"

guess thats why i thought they were an all girl band, having never heard of them before... and if you're asking me if i still hate them, i never said i did, and really couldnt, having never heard them before.

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Guest Low Roller
... anyways, maybe all-chick bands are gonna be the new thing. i'd be into that, so long as they could rock.

Two words...

Spice Girls!

On the flipside of that you have The Donnas which are pretty cool, and I always had a soft spot in my heart for L7.

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