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Willing/hoping to cash in some karma in Ottawa


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OK, here's the deal: arcane needs to get out of her place by the end of the month (which amounts to this weekend), but has been laid up with medical problems (which have prevented her from packing up all the stuff in her apartment). Mercenary and I (and dancingfool on Saturday) have been doing our best, but there's still a lot of stuff left (and left unpacked), and Mercenary has obligations in Montreal that make him unavailable on Thursday and Friday and possibly beyond; in any event, tomorrow (Wednesday) looks like the last day to get stuff out of her place.

Where it goes from there will likely be a mix: into a U-Haul trailer, and/or into my basement (she lives beside the Lincoln Fields mall, on Richmond Rd.; I live across Carling Ave. from the mall).

If you live in Ottawa, and are able to help, I implore you to come out. If you think you owe me something, now is the chance to even up; if you think you'd like to be owed something by me, now's your chance to get in my debt.

We're planning on getting started in the early evening (between 5pm and 6pm), and will go as long as it takes, or as long as we can, whichever comes first. Your help would be greatly appreciated, and various forms of treats will be included.

Do I sound desparate? I hope so; I am. If you can make it out, either send a private message or an e-mail to Mercenary or me.

Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

Thank you,


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Thanks for the offers and bumping, everybody. We're hoping to get started about 5pm or 6pm this evening, during/after which we won't have 'net access, so if there are any last-minute helpers, the best bet would be to call me at home at 596-6128 (I'll be there until between 5pm or 5:30pm), or arcane's apartment at 820-7028.

Again, thanks.



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its good exercise - kinda silly that all the out of towners are answering this thread, but really - how hard would it be to take like 2 hours and pack up some stuff...

really now - brad you have my permission to bruise anyone who lives in town and didn't give you a damn good excuse for not showing up.

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What happened? Went to the address given at the time given and found no one :: how'd i get screwed up?

I'm sorry about that. Mercenary got delayed, and so we got started late, and I forgot to give you info on how to contact me. I goofed. :(

On the :) side, though, the move was completed successfully, if not swimmingly. Once we got going, I actually got hopeful we'd get done in time, which was the first time that had happened in any of the moving sessions.

Again, thanks to everybody who came out to help. We couldn't have done it without you (or we'd still be at it without you, which amount to the same thing).



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