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moving to colorado


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When I was considering moving there, I was looking at the areas AROUND boulder (not AS expensive). Some nice places we went to were Golden (Home of COORS), Arvada, Applewood, etc... I would look into some of those places, and the surrounding areas...

You could also speak with Julia... Her friend Kristy lives in CO and could probably suggest some places that you might enjoy...


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thanks, everyone! i won't be going anywhere for a while. as of yet, i'm just dreaming about moving.

Hey steve, how ya been? are you coming up this way anytime soon? I was wondering, why'd you decide not to go to colorado? I've actually never been to colorado myself, but it sounds like the kind of place i'd like to live.

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Hi... I've been allright, all things considered... Probably won't be up there anytime real soon. Haven't been working for a little over a month, so I've been pretty strapped for cash. Also, I have been concentrating on my last semester in school (Master's in May if all goes well). Also been wrestling with some personal issues, and what not, which is taking a toll mentally...

But, as I said, all things considered, things are going pretty well... I'm trying to quit smoking (and some of my other, nastier vices) so I'm probably going to be laying low with respect to the fest/show scene at least for a while, to avoid the temptations that go along with that...

However, I have been saving up cans and bottles I find that have 'the stamp.' So when I get together enough to finance the gas there and back, I will probably make a visit up there Seinfeld style... When that happens, I'll be sure to let you know ahead of time so that perhaps we can all get together somewhere for a little visit!

So, that's my story... How've you been? And James? Tell him I said 'Hi!'

As far as Colorado, I was going to move out with some friends, and it just never worked out where we were all ready at the same time. One guy was ready to go and didn't want to wait, and went out there, and the rest of us wanted to leave at different times, because of different reasons, and it just never worked out in terms of having roommate(s) to make the cost of moving managable. I still dream of moving there someday... Hopefully when I graduate, I can find a job that will relocate me out there...

Take care, hope to hear from you soon!!!


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s from c i understand your frusteration! a couple of years ago i was supposed to move to BC with a couple of people and i ended up not being able to go when they were ready because of physical incapacitation. but now i'm flying out there on april 5! so just because it didn't work out this time don't worry, if you really want to do it you'll manage. i got to stay behind in ontario and get my sh!t together and now i'm going out much better prepared then if i had gone the first time. (aka more education, money and better health) so chin up and keep thinking about it! ::

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Very true... And the same kind of goes for me. I will have my Master's degree now, compared with NO degree then. Hopefully I will be in a better place financially, as well. Like I said, I have a possible job opportunity once I graduate, where I have to go to California for training and then HAVE to relocate. They ask you for your top 3 locations, and you pretty much are guaranteed one of those. So, I'll keep plugging away, and cross my fingers when the time comes! Have fun in BC!!! Are you MOVING there, like you wanted, or just vistiting? Best of luck to you either way!

S from C

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