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The Heat in Hottawa


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I was trying to find contact info for HOB and thought i'd post this.

I would like to get to this one

the Hot Hot Heat


Capital Music Hall »

220 Rideau Street

Ottawa, ON - Canada 000000

613.755.1111 price : $20.00 *

date : Thu, April 21

door : 8:00pm

show : 9:00pm

genre : Alternative

age : all

anybody going to try to get out for this??

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Freak - so what if it's jambands...we see a lot of talk of JAZZ and to argue that many jambands have jazz ideals is bunk.

FEW jambands have real jazz ideals...they share elememts of improvisation and are interested in musicality but many more are more interested in stretching things out and rocking...and the hot hot heat rocks.

the spades aren't a jamband and you never complain about that rock band being spread around here.

come now...to make a serious complaint over a band's scene (which is really the only difinition of a jamband...jamband is not a genre) is petty and immature.

not saying that YOU'RE immature...but the direction of your comment may get to that.

duality (us versus them, me or everybody else etc. ) is the very thing that's holding us back.

if you're not into the hot hot heat then simply don't post.

if you are then go to the show. I might not even go but since another board member had mentioned a similarity between the heat and slowcoaster - a band that's received serious praise on this board - i felt it was fitting and to think that it's not just because the band's in exclaim agazine and chart attack and this and that and are getting indie media push then you're, in essence, pouting.

...and Del - nobody asked you to go...so don't if you don't want to spend $20 on them. i was just posting it just in case people might be interested. if not that's fine. just another line on a posts list on the internet...if it gets buried then what does it matter?? it'll be long gone someday.

if it were the reverend horton heat i'd definitely want to go. never saw the hot hot heat but RHH are awesome.

ottawa's got major canadian market potential. I'm not suprised the house of blues is getting in here more often.

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It's jambands.ca, folks.... JAMBANDS....

[color:"purple"]Yes, please, everyone listen to this comment. No more posting about Bob Dylan, Pat Metheny, U2, the Black Crowes, anything with Mike Patton...

Oh, wait a minute, no. That would be stupid and likely gut this bulletin board to the point that we would only talk about 3 or 4 bands. Forget it.

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Hot Hot Heat suck so bad. I walked out of Zaphod's the last and only time I saw them. Then my dumbass roomate at the the time felt the need to buy the cd and play it constantly around the house. I ended up hiding it on him, I was so sick of it....but hey I'm petty and immature .

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i would guess that it's the indie versus jam aesthetic.

I think they're a totally solid rock band so I'm curious too...not trying to single anyone out - i'm genuinely curious about why people dislike bands or sounds...i know why i think acts are weak when i hear the music or get reminded of something that i hear or don't hear.

I think they're very CATCHY...

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I've had my eye on them for a year or so. Hot Hot Heat aren't really my thing, but they have developed their own SOUND: They are not generic.

They do suffer from repetiveness, but so do a lot of other " buzz " bands like The Stokes ( whom I like anyway ) and The Killers.

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Yeah, they do suffer a little from repetiveness. They do definately have a unique sound though, and they reworked their lineup in a major way awhile back, so I imagine the repetiveness is largely a factor of them finding their new footing.

What's amazing to me is that they've been able to ride out this wave from an album released in 2002. That's a helluva run from one record. I'm assuming that this tour must mean that they have just released or are just releasing something new. Maybe it's just the indie kid in me, but I'm excited to check it out and I appreciate Beat's heads up about this show.

(Freak By Night, I'm guessing you'll be making the same post on the various Steve Earle, Beatles, Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene & co., Spades, Motorhead (!), Dogs Die in Hot Cars, etc.., etc.., threads. Best brew some coffee dude. You've got a long night ahead of you :P)

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Since when do people have to quantify why things "suck" around here ;). C'est la vie, I went and listen to a couple of tracks to rekindle my disdain for H3 or 3H or whatevazthafuckitis, since I had effectivly purged it from my brain.

Instantly I was brought back to that night at Zaphods. That cliche emo-garage-pop sound that at the time was nothing more then the new boyband/hip hop trend for the record industry, who seemed to be churning out another "hot" new band daily. Just to clarify I'm not a huge fan of indie in most cases though i do enjoy the fact that now that the initial wave of mainstream infatuation with indie has settled, there have been a few notably good indie bands popping out of shitabyss . IMO Hot Hot Heat is not one of them.

Like it was stated before the are repetitive, within their own sound and in their genre (sonding like a lot of other bands) Then there is their singer's voice, it's too much, all over the road with no consistency, plus he kind of sounds lke an emo version of Good Sum 41 Chartlotte's singer. ALso They aren't doing anything that hasen't been done to death a million times and a lot less irritatingly so. They are far from bad musicians (except the singer) but they lack substance and I personelly like the music i listen to to be a little more about something, not just fodder to fuel the mainstream machine because that is what the masses are told they want.

Just the opinion of a selfproclaimed a$$hole and music snob, pay it no mind.

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repetitive, within their own sound and in their genre (sonding like a lot of other bands) Then there is their singer's voice, it's too much, all over the road with no consistency,

They aren't doing anything that hasen't been done to death a million times and a lot less irritatingly so. They are far from bad musicians (except the singer) but they lack substance and I personelly like the music i listen to to be a little more about something, not just fodder

I've noticed similar issues with many a jamband but slightly skewed (because after all jam is a bit different than indie)

Thanks for explaining by the way. It's nice to finally read that taste of your point of view.

'those guys suck' as a retort really doesn't help any of us to understand your point of view, and since you post a lot and are on this board regularly, it's nice to get you a little bit more.

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