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Need Music Help!!


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Man it seems like i have been listening to the same sh!t for years!! Alot of my freinds have been listening to the same stuff since highschool and will never change. Myself though, i'm not content with listening to the same old stuff i have had in my collection for years. Now i'm up to add a bunch more music to my collection, and i'de like some help, any great bands or artists you could recommend me checking out would be much appreciated, i like pretty much anything when it comes to music!


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i like the recipe from the us better then the recipe from bc, are they still around? the bc ones?

if you like drums try and find the apocolypse now sessions by the rhythm devils, one of mickey harts bands, its a greaaat cd, super mellow, then super intense,, brings me back to 'nam

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i like the recipe from the us better then the recipe from bc, are they still around? the bc ones?

I didn't know I needed to be country-specific :) Actually I didn't know there was a Recipe from BC. I was talking about the Recipe from the states. Although they just lost their female singer and replaced her with a fiddler/singer. I had heard her fiddle before but never sing. I still have not seen this line-up, but I have never been disappointed with a Recipe show in the past (well, except for maybe some constant audio problems). Despite any audio anomalies, the shows have always been superb, fun-filled, and high-energy....

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The Slip (best band on the planet at the moment)

I'll strongly second Velvet with Ugly Casanova...

Modest Mouse (brilliant)

SlowCoaster (you're from the east coast, so I hope you're all over them...)

Drums & Tuba (I always forget how good they are...)

Broken Social Scene (just getting into them, pretty solid band)

Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players (trust me...)

Built To Spill (great songs, great playing)

Del McCoury Band (my favorite bluegrass band)

Apostle Of Hustle (just saw them live, great guitar...)

Smokin' Grass (my favorite newgrass band)

Good luck...

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Nice...thanks for the tips, i'll be checkin it all out,i plan on adding 100 cd's to my collection in the next month or so, so this is super helpful!!!

And to del, yeha i'm all over sloco, they are definetley one of my favorite eat coast bands....one of the Few Besides divine heist and of course JSB!

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