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Man sets himself on fire....in Tdot


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don't disquality Toronto just because of one crazy. well, ok the guy who threw his kid off of a bridge and then jumped off himself the other day, he was crazy too, but he hadn't lived in toronto long, so he doesn't count. and ummm....i'm not sure where the fire dude came from. i was listening to 680 am news radio to hear about the traffic delays and heard the whole thing go down live.

there's crazies everywhere, they're unavoidable. come to the tizzle for rizzle jizzle....hehehe jizzle....

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It's just one of those crazy days. I feel sorry for CP24 news anchor Anne Rohmer. She has to watch and report the footage of the man setting himself on fire all day long, plus the story of those kids that were poisoned in the Philippines.

As for the footage of the cops running over the loon with the knife at Yonge and Wellesley: A guilty pleasure in the sense that it was unbelievable. The loon in question was lucky that people were standing around the scene. Cops would have popped him if it were a less busy intersection.

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this guy obviously was obviously trying to get on the news... didn't really look like he was from Toronto but who knows

but that said, pretty freaky... saw it happen practically live on tv a few hours ago, they were filming him from pretty close... the guy kept yelling to the cops to stay a few hundred yards back and when they kept moving in he started freakin then he caught fire... don't know if he did it on purpose or if he accidentally lit himself (yes, I know he poured gas on himself... but I thought he was just trying to keep the cops at bay until he had his say though)

wonder what his story is (or was)

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This guy does it all the time... Seen him 'perform' at several festivals over the years... Frequently at Nelson Ledges (an old rock quarry nearby my house sporting a big lake to jump into when he's had enough...)


I guess it's a little different when you don't take precautions, though, eh?

Edit to add weblink...

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