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I saw a sign...


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(billboard) that said "protect marriage"

--"get the facts" blah, blah, blah,

you know what would be a good idea, if all of these Christian Fundamentalist organizations took up a "new" collection, and with the money they get from this collection, they go out and build a giant spaceship and name it "The Mayflower" and they fly this spaceship to some other planet, and take it over, and impose their moral ethics on the dwellers of that planet instead of trying to impose their ideas on a liberal society that focuses on the freedom of the individual.

anyhow, thats all for the latenight ramblings.

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(billboard) that said "protect marriage"

--"get the facts" blah, blah, blah,

you know what would be a good idea, if all of these Christian Fundamentalist organizations took up a "new" collection, and with the money they get from this collection, they go out and build a giant spaceship and name it "The Mayflower" and they fly this spaceship to some other planet, and take it over, and impose their moral ethics on the dwellers of that planet instead of trying to impose their ideas on a liberal society that focuses on the freedom of the individual.

anyhow, thats all for the latenight ramblings.

or they could call their space ship the B ark :)

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[color:red]Here's another aritcle somewhat related.

Only in America: God Goes Commercial

by jo swift at 11:34AM (CEST) on May 4, 2005 | Permanent Link

Is 'God' a Brand Name? How about a Big God with Fries? God: It's the Real Thing. Crazy Christians Want To Wear Religion In Public. Once relegated to Bible stores, religious fashion items are sold in Saks

Trapper Blu, a ski and snowboarding instructor from Wanship, Utah, brought his family to Christopher's, a T-shirt shop in Greenwich Village, recently.

He tried on a shirt emblazoned with an image of Jesus and the slogan "Put Down the Drugs and Come Get a Hug."

"I would wear this, you bet," Blu, 23, said, scrutinizing his reflection in the mirror. "The shirt is funny," he added, as he tweaked the brim of his cowboy hat, "but it doesn't make fun of Jesus or anything."

A few blocks south at Urban Outfitters, part of a youth-oriented chain that sells Tshirts along with shag rugs, coffee mugs and multitiered hippie skirts, Jurek Grapentin, visiting from Germany, looked on as a young friend of his examined a shirt printed with a rosary entwined with the words "Everybody Loves a Catholic Girl."

"It's a nice message," Grapentin, 22, said. "Catholic people most of the time can be so traditional in their thinking. To me this looks more new, more in."

Blu and Grapentin are among the legions of the faithful, or the merely fashionable, who are increasingly drawn to the religious themes and imagery -- portraits of saints, fragments of scripture -- that have migrated in recent months from billboards and bumper stickers to baseball caps, T-shirts, flip-flops and even designer clothing.

Such messages are being embraced by a growing number of mostly young people, who are wearing them as a testament of faith or, ironically, as a badge of hipness.

"There is no question, religion is becoming the new brand," said Jane Buckingham, the president of Youth Intelligence, a trendforecasting company.

"To a generation of young people eager to have something to belong to, wearing a `Jesus Saves' T-shirt, a skullcap or a cabala bracelet is a way of feeling both unique, a member of a specific culture or clan, and at the same time part of something much bigger.

[color:red]Entire Article

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Jurek Grapentin, visiting from Germany, looked on as a young friend of his examined a shirt printed with a rosary entwined with the words "Everybody Loves a Catholic Girl."

"It's a nice message," Grapentin, 22, said. "Catholic people most of the time can be so traditional in their thinking. To me this looks more new, more in."

pfffft!!!! yeah, i'm sure the message on that catholic girl shirt was intended in such a pure way. :blush:

dos, was that billboard you saw sponsered by the 'defend marriage coalition' by any chance? when i came into work one day last week, we had a pre-recorded telephone message waiting for us from this organization, insisting we contact our mp to "defend marriage" (even referring to our mp's name). the entire wording of the message was completely offensive, i despise telemarketing at the best of times, but to resort to hate-spreading tele-propaganda?! the message even looped and repeated at the end. unbelievable!!! }:(

thankfully, they were kind enough to leave their website address ;) -- i immediately sent them a scathing email informing them i would *definitely* be contacting my mp now.... contacting him to let him know that if he didn't vote yes on that bill then i would not be voting for him. oh, and also to let him know that if he is prepared to in any way affiliate himself with that organization, then he should also be prepared to lose office (and i did).

grrrrrr, these spineless zealots make me sooooo angry! if they're on such a mission to save the world, why don't they take the thousands of dollars they're wasting on advertising to spread their hate and use it towards actually helping people. hey, maybe they can even use it to help some of those poor kids molested by their clergy! }:(

grrrrrrrrrrr. fuckin' defend marriage my ass, gaddamn hypocrites.

rant fini :)

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The whole equal marriage debate in Canada has brought with it an unprecedented influx of religious groups/money from the US into Canada. Flyers mailed out from numbered mail addresses in 7-11's, phone banks calling Canadian MP's from the southern US, and of course the usual faxes, emails, etc.

It was sickening to see the Conservative Party stand in unison and applaud Stephen Harper as he led his party in voting against same-sex marriage yesterday.

The Republican domination of the US system is pretty much in the bank, so they are looking north! Inetersting times....

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Becky, we had those flyers sent out in our riding, and it basically had the effect of enraging people who are on the right side of this issue, I would suggest calling your MP and telling her/him to support the bill! and then email "defend marriage" or whatever they're called, and tell them what their mailout spurred you to do!

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So we were up near Tobermory a couple of weeks ago and did a hike along the "grotto" area of Georgian Bay. Lovely hike by the way, awe-inspiring. So, along the trail we reach one of those displays that provides information on the present surroundings, and in this case it was in reference to the formation of the rocks we were at over many millenia. Except that some thoughtful person had scratched out the reference to the time development with a key or something and inscribed the web address for something like www.actsofgenesis.com (or something, that wasn't quite it). So, that was nice. Even in the most beautiful of places these fucking FREAKS can't keep their agenda away from the perceiving eye.

Right now is a really good time to be a complete whack-job. Seriously. You can pretty much say or do anything you want in Western society right now and as long as it stems from some whacked out fundamentalist belief system, you won't get run out of town like you should.

When you find yourself arguing vociferously against the existence of petrified wood, or believe that there is a satellite circling the earth that is not human-made (I really do know people who believe this) and therefore must be an Act Of God, you really need to question your own judgment and sanity.

This stuff drives MarcO crazy.

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Becky, we had those flyers sent out in our riding, and it basically had the effect of enraging people who are on the right side of this issue, I would suggest calling your MP and telling her/him to support the bill! and then email "defend marriage" or whatever they're called, and tell them what their mailout spurred you to do!

WELL, huxy, if you read through my rant up there ;), you will see that i did, i emailed my mp AND the defend marriage whackos. :P

it definitely brought a smile to my face imagining the shock and horror they're going to experience when they realize that all they've really managed to do is light a fire under the ass of all the people who do support it.

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This stuff drives MarcO crazy.

Me too. I've been staring at this thread for the last ten minutes trying to think of something to say that won't leave me depressed for the rest of the day, but I'm coming up short. Ten years studying these characters, and I just get more tired as they get stronger. I'm pretty sure now that James Dobson is a Sith lord.

I'm glad it's a sunny day today.

Some day I'm going to make my movie - Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad sitting at a cafe in downtown Jerusalem having a nice chat when gunfire erupts and they all get killed by stray bullets. Think anyone would finance that?

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WELL, huxy, if you read through my rant up there , you will see that i did, i emailed my mp AND the defend marriage whackos.

Wow, how did I miss that? sorry, (didn't have enough caffeine in my body yet)

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I'll tell you what is blowing my mind these days, the Intelligent Design advocates who are lobbying to have their theories (scratch that...their ridiculous assertions) incorporated into primary and secondary school curricula.

The spin is in high gear on this, ID advocates suggesting that evolution is mostly theoretical, and that the links between ape and man are tenuous and overblown. Intelligent Design supposedly marries science and scripture in new, exciting and whacky ways.

Have a look at Harmonizing Scriptural Creation Chronology with Science

From the same page:

Biblical Day 2 - Started ~ 4 billion years ago

Biblical Text: "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.. God called the expanse sky.'"

God's Activity: The natural law formation of the water cycle. A distinct division now existed between water in the clouds and water on the surface of the planet. In addition, the supernatural creation of single celled bacteria/algae which helped prepare the atmosphere for oxygen required by higher life forms also takes place during this time period.(1)

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Wow, how did I miss that? sorry

hahahaha, no worries at all huxy!!! i was just being faceitious when i mentioned that. ;)

Becky - Andrew Telegdi did vote yes last night to support the same sex bill. (That is your MP right? not Lynn Myers)

After watching people vote I really feel like sending some letters...

he did? whoohooo!!!! how did lynn myers vote, do you know? andrew telegdi was the one i contacted, but i am not sure which one is actually considered mine since i work in waterloo (where he is, and he's also who defend marriage so kindly pointed me to) but i live in kitchener.

and yes meagan! send letters!!!!!!!!!!!!!

frick, i've sents letters to places like breyers complaining there wasn't enough cookies in my cookeis & cream ice cream! :D

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or believe that there is a satellite circling the earth that is not human-made (I really do know people who believe this) and therefore must be an Act Of God

you mean, like a sattelite put there by God itself? or that God made someone put the sattelite there, but that someone is not really a someone, because someone implies a human, but since this is not human made... what was i getting at? i dunno... i've lost my train of thought...

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