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No CTMF for me; (gentle) vibes needed


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He didn't prescribe anything

Dude, you should have asked for the bomb pharmies... Maybe some Oxys... Do you know what kind of money you could get for those at CTMF brah? Seriously though, take care of yourself Brad... Cheers.

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Well, I've had a couple of nights sleeping with this, and sleeping itself is actually pretty good, but rolling over hurts quite a bit. Once last night, I actually got out of bed and walked around to get back in, rather than roll over. I'm not any worse, but can't say I'm much better at this point.

The good news is that something I thought would be tough, wasn't: I put on my guitar last night, and there was no problem/pain at all. I had figured that, especially with the strap over my left shoulder, my rib cage would be compressed and it would hurt, but I didn't even feel it.

Have a good time this weekend, everybody.



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