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Elitetorrents shut down by the FBI, MPAA, and ICE


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Guest Low Roller

There will always be something new up. The people who coded the Bit Torrent protocol are now coming out with a "Bit Torrent search engine". Instead of having web sites that post torrent links, this search engine will allow people to search the web for active torrents. No web sites hosting links, just data that's floating around in cyberspace. I don't think that even the FBI can shut down cyberspace.

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There will always be something new up. The people who coded the Bit Torrent protocol are now coming out with a "Bit Torrent search engine". Instead of having web sites that post torrent links, this search engine will allow people to search the web for active torrents. No web sites hosting links, just data that's floating around in cyberspace. I don't think that even the FBI can shut down cyberspace.

that's very encouraging news...unfortunately nw that bittorrent is on their radar, its' days are numbered (imo). i read something on BT in an IT trade rag a couple months ago, one of the big research firms claimed that 30% off all internet traffic was bittorrent swarming.

that's a hell of a lot of data...i agree with Booche. get what you can while you can :)

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The biggest problem with bit torrent is that it is too user friendly, and it's gone mainstream. Same thing happened with Napster. Once a file sharing method becomes so easy that everyone is using it, of course they'll find a way to stop it. Do a little research folks, Newsgroups and IRC are never going away.

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I believe bram cohen recently released a trackerless bit torrent program... so as much as the riaa, mpaa etc go after BT sites, the technology will always be moving forward, one step ahead. I honestly cannot see a day when things get shut down completely. Slowed down perhaps, but not gone. There always has been IRC, always will be. I guess BT has gotten so much attention and gained enough popularity that even novice computer users can figure it out eventually - that is why things have gotten out of control!

The fact that I've never heard of elitetorrents, yet I have no problem finding what I want whenever, is an example that there will always be enough sites that pop up and fulfill every leechers desires!

But I agree with booche... get it and archive it!

Same goes for music on the archive. Never know when GD might get pulled one day!

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Good reason to delete and torrent links that get posted on here (BT fourm) that host pirated material.Main reason I would bitch about some of the sites posted in the bit torrent forum,numerous postings (I call em spam)in the past were made that directed members to sites that had both legally traded music & pirated material.

Grab what you can (yet, really want) and back it up, as far as I am concerned.

Everything and I mean everything on (& off) my tradelist is backed up,most in audio & data.I leave nothing on my HDD for longer then a week.Thats the time it gets listened to,once I have gave it the listen,I burn it to CD.

Currrently I sit in a room not unlike the librarian on Hilarious House Of Frightenstein except its CDRs instead of books....

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Elitetorrents got nailed apparantly because a stolen early press of EPIII was under investigation and ended up as a link on there.

There's alot of downloaders in the US that were sharing that file who are freaking out!

Ended up? Thats funny as they announced they would have it previous to it being available there.There was also a few other sites that had it before elite did(even though they brag being the first).

When you announce online that your site will have the new star wars movie before its in theaters,what do you expect? Bush even pushed that new piracy bill through just in time,before this went down.Doesn't help when your site has law enforcement on it (apperently).

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Yeah,funny eh...even the US goverment understands that backwards letter/number thing,I read about them hosting it in an IRC first actually.To be fair,I highly doubt that the admin announced it,but regardless it doesn't take much for word to spread online right?

I also doubt the MPAA,FBI or ICE gives a half shit even or cares to waste time with folks who upload/download or host torrents of trade friendly bands or share/free ware so I don't see bit torrent ever going away.

The way I see it is don't pirate material,host it or link to it & this sorta shit will never occur.

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Napster protocol had the ability to trade 'trade friendly' music. In fact, that's exactly how it was promoted. Look what happened there.

Yes, the ability,they didnt exercise that exclusively though.

db.etree has the ability also.

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Don't get me wrong here,I'm certianly not trying to debate anything.I just see a considerable difference between a download site that allows anything,single song downloads,any format etc from sites that don't.Of course its only my opinion based on what & where I download and from noticing that most torrent sites that go down seem to have offered somthing that was copywritten and/or pirated.

Example:db.etree doesn't allow video torrents,which in most cases of live music torrent sites is the sole reason for them going down (refer to Easytree).

Just how I see it I guess.

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at first they thought it was a hoax, then it was confirmed.

this is a post from the admin of ET's IRC channel:

From ET IRC, Bleach is an admin.

[23:29] Ok this is the deal people listen closely

[23:29] This whole ordeal started with a STOLEN workprint form lucas films

[23:30] This promted a FEDERAL investigation on that particular release

[23:30] Now MPAA could not touch ET (civily) but because a CRIMINAL

[23:30] CASE was issued that now changes the RULES

[23:30] lucas wanted someones head on a platter

[23:30] Said it cost the film Big dollars making it a felony

[23:31] Said it was taken over seas to foreign countries

[23:31] thus bringing in ICE

[23:31] NOW someone from ET leaked to the WRONG people that ET had this release up

[23:31] 6 hours prior to its first showin

[23:31] And that it was DL 10k times

[23:32] This focused the CRIMINAL case on to ET

[23:32] (thinking it was probably someone here) BUT NO IT WAS NOT ANYONE FROM ET WHO STOLE THE MOVIE

[23:32] FBI shuts ET down issue warrants for admins PC


[23:33] TWO admins were raided and ONLY their PC was taken

[23:33] NO arrest have been made

[23:33] No other details have been leaked

[23:33] Right now there is still a CRIMINAL case going on with the SW3 WORKPRINT RELEASE

[23:34] Those who DL may have something to worry about

[23:34] BUT for now only those who made it AVAILABLE has to worry about it

[23:35] NOw I DO NOT

[23:35] KNOW what is to become of the logs with the star wars DL

[23:35] I DONT KNOW what Kryl0n is doing

[23:35] or gone to

[23:36] This came from a MOD who called to update someone on what happened to the 2 admins

[23:36] That is it for now

[23:37] Actually i got a PM right now from a END USER who got searched

[23:37] HE/she DL star wars 3


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