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Dealing with bitchy neighbours?


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I'd totally respect 11pm. No problems with that. D_Rawk, I don't think it's the low ends as she lives upstairs, my speakers are fairly smooth (not too bassy) and I have them on stands with pins to reduce bass bleeding.

Do we have a physics-type that can explain sound propagation? I always figured if I got a complaint it would be from my downstairs neighbour but the only ones I've ever get are from the upstairs neighbour.

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I once knew someone whose neighbour called the police every time her dog would bark.

I'm havin the exact same probs here...we have had the cops 9 times,just recently the Humane sociaty on 4 occasions...they like me so much they keep comin back to see what crazy stuff my neighbour has to say so they can laugh at him ...and like a dreadee hippie would be beatin on a dog...they got a good laugh when they met me at 7:00 am in full tie dye uniform!... Ontario Fire Marshall General, Local Fire Prevention, at least 30 Bylaw Inspection visits..I got fined $230 last summer for one 5" ragweed plant in backyard...and after all this in 2 years i have still yet to even say hello or introduce myself to this guy cuz he wont come out of his house when hee sees me outside...i guess hippies are scary people man, watch out!

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after reading more of this thread, i'd like to retract the negotiation portion of my advice. i will henceforth stop complaining about neighbours i have had...i've been lucky enough to resolve disputes using cold beers and humility :)

in light of new evidence, learn your rights. i had always assumed 11pm to be the cutoff, i had no idea that there were bylaws letiing the cops shut you down any time. sheesh...people sure like their sleep :)

Edited by Guest
cuz my spelling is dead brutal sometimes
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Ya, talk to the landlord first is better. Let her know to expect complaints from a crackpot and ask her what you should do.

in regards to the 3rd floor attic - i lived in a place once next to an arena that had a 3rd floor attic. One day i walked up there and was floored by how loud the music was coming from the arena. It sounded like i was in the arena. Before i walked up the stairs, i hadnt heard a thing and didnt even know anythign was going on there.

I just mention it because it really shows how differnet noise suppression is through the brick walls compared to the shingled roof.

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Definitely talk to your landlord. Don't necessarily complain, but just let him/her know about the situation and that you want to resolve it in the best way possible for everyone involved.

As for her mood re: the "noise"...maybe she works nights? Not a reason to be rude to you, but an excuse nonetheless. When I was working shift work, I even got cranky with SammyKat. :( Regardless though, something needs to be worked out here.

I have had 3 troublesome neighbours:

1 - also noise issue (and footsteps would cause him to pound on our door). The first time he knocked, we opened the door and he forced himself in and pinned my roommate against the wall and screamed in her face (much louder than the footsteps). We kept the padlock on after and always used the peephole.

2 - first time living solo and my hallway neighbour was schizophrenic (which I didn't know until after 2 months). It was very confusing and very terrifying (she threatened to kill me and my cats....and then she offered to bake me a pie).

3 - next door neighbour had a brain tumour and shot himself one night because the pain was too debilitating (as per the note). I remember being outside that night having a smoke in the driveway and hearing the noise, but had no idea. His poor housemates were lost after that. And at the college, there was a plaque in his name (he was brilliant) and one of my classmates voiced his disgust for this plaque....and then I voiced my disgust for him while I "scratched his eyes out"

We will forever come in contact with bad neighbours, and it sucks when things can't be resolved with a simple hello, smile, and handshake (and apology when necessary). Blane - your neighbour seems like an angry/agitated person in general. If TLC doesn't work, and being stern with her doesn't work, then all you can do either move or ignore her (ensuring that you are abiding by the by-laws).

Sorry you're dealing with this...you'd be a wicked neighbour!

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