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Looks borderline to me. It was NOT a late hit and there's now way that Downie could have seen that the puck wasn't there. If what makes it "dirty" is Downie getting his feet off the ice, it's marginal as well if you see the different angles.

It's an aggressive hit in an aggressive game and within the limits that the rule book states. Unfortunate, and I hope that McAmmond recovers from it.

Should be fun to watch what happens on Sep 25 and at what point of the game it arrives in.

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To your early question Vic, yes I believe you are correct (but I cant see the YouTube from work). The hit was on McCammond and not Schubert.

Like I said, I havent seen the hit but of ALL the reaction I have read, only the one I quoted and Kanada Kev's seem to think its not that much of a dirty hit.

To this I ask Leaf-fans:

What if that hit was on Antropov?

Whoops. Sorry. Let me cue up a different player. I think everyone in the world knows the answer to that.

What if that hit was on Steen?

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Looks borderline to me. It was NOT a late hit and there's now way that Downie could have seen that the puck wasn't there. If what makes it "dirty" is Downie getting his feet off the ice, it's marginal as well if you see the different angles.

It's an aggressive hit in an aggressive game and within the limits that the rule book states.

Are you kidding me? I can't see the file you posted, but from the TSN highlights last night it looked like:

a) McAmmond dished the puck before he even went behind the net (that would make it a very late hit); and

B) not only did Downie leave his feet but he launched himself, elbow first, into McAmmond.

I actually like Downie a lot. But that poor kid has no brain and is going to get killed now that he's playing against men not boys.

All this brawling in pre-season is a fucking embarrassment. Fighting in the NHL has become a parody of itself.

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(that would make it a very late hit)

Watch where you are going with that one because everything that I am hearing sounds like it was very compareable to Chris Neils hit on that Buffalo player last year, time-wise that is.

I just have something against a goonish kid trying to make his mark against a seasoned veteran whos well respected and isnt a dirty player.

And I have a huge problem with pre-season hockey. Read DaveO's comment about fighting. And its all stupid for a number of more reasons.

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(that would make it a very late hit)

Watch where you are going with that one because everything that I am hearing sounds like it was very compareable to Chris Neils hit on that Buffalo player last year' date=' time-wise that is.[/quote']

You already said you haven't seen the hit.

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It doesnt change the McCammond hit. Again, I havent seen it but there certainly sounds like a lack of respect was involved here.

I'm just trying to keep a balance. If this hit is a late hit, that also means Chris Neils hit was a late hit and some Sens fans werent thinking it was.

Anyways. I am not Colin Campbell so leave me out of it.

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Again, it's a borderline call on all accounts, but just looks really bad (like the Neil hit last year).

Are you kidding me? I can't see the file you posted, but from the TSN highlights last night it looked like:

a) McAmmond dished the puck before he even went behind the net (that would make it a very late hit); and

Wrong. Here's the point where he just released the puck back. Four players and a net in the way. When you watch in real time there is literally less than a second from here to the hit.


B) not only did Downie leave his feet but he launched himself, elbow first, into McAmmond.

OK, when watching in real time is deceiving. Take a look at where he is at the time of contact and tell me that this is "launching himself" into McAmmond. If he jumped from the other side of the icing line i'd understand, but he's mere inches away:


I actually like Downie a lot. But that poor kid has no brain and is going to get killed now that he's playing against men not boys.

Exactly. It's the result of a very aggressive body check and a player that failed to position themselves for a hit (blind-sided).

All this brawling in pre-season is a fucking embarrassment.

Yup, but this is the time when goons have to prove themselves to make the squad. Somebody mentioned before that the biggest problem with preseason is the risk of injury to players. Whatchagonna do? Maybe they could impose some sort of preseason rules to protect the players that much more? It's a possibility ... but i doubt it'll happen.

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If he jumped from the other side of the icing line i'd understand, but he's mere inches away:

Dude, inches away is when you are going to get your most leverage. Ever play the game?

Whatchagonna do?

2 fucking games! That's it. The rest is a money-grab and a potential for disaster. Ask the players what they think about pre-season.

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I still cant believe they let Simon play against New York the other night. Just stupid. Compare the NHL pre-season to the other major sports. Its insane. Hell in baseball they got pitchers running the warning track during play. The NHL has gotta figure something out. I like Booche's idea of two games.

Oh, and my humble opinion is that both hits were cheap.

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That Sens homer Bob McKenzie weighs in re: late hit, Downie leaving his feet, elbow or shoulder...

But in this case, this time around, none of it matters a bit. And that's because there is one aspect of it that is so overwhelmingly obvious the rest of it is inconsequential. And that is, quite simply, Steven Downie was looking to take off McAmmond's head and inflict damage, his protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

It was obvious in the building and if you look beyond the isolated clip of Downie hitting McAmmond, it's obvious there on tape, too.

Moments before Downie's hit, he was pounded down to the ice and face-first into the boards by Sens' defenceman Christoph Schubert. When Downie, a blue-chip prospect who plays the game on the edge and often beyond it, got up, it was evident to one and all who knows hockey, who knows Downie, who knows anything, that he was going to seek payback. Immediately.

The minute he stood up and raced back into the play, I turned to TSN colleague Brent Wallace in the press box and said, "Watch Downie, he's going to try to kill someone."

Here we go again

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Not long enough AD.

I just found out another ineteresting piece to this puzzle but please tell me if this is incorrect. Schubert nailed (cleanly, by the sounds of it) Downie during the SAME shift. Badda-bing, badda-boom.

Bring down the hammer.

Ok, so I posted this around the time Ollie posted his bit. I do have one question.

Why is Bob McKenzie a homer?

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