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New Sisters Euclid Downloads...


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Happy Saturday y'all!

Thanks to Bouche's suggestions, Kevin's website is currently being revamped with a Sisters Section, a Folk Alarm section, news & tour dates etc. to keep everyone who is interested up-to-date.

MP3's will be changed every three weeks so there will be lots of music, current and gems from the past that will be coming. I've been given "the key to the vault" as it is now my sole responsibility to handle all of his web-audio.

If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to email me with them and I'll do what I can.

New tunes up on the Sisters Euclid section are Big Al, Helpless, Tongue & Portly Pear from July 4, 2005. About 40 minutes worth. Enjoy!


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Actually, they'll be rolling into Vancouver next spring/summer for some shows. Probably not soon enough but they will be there.

Please pass on your contact info to me so I can pass it on as they are always open to playing shows whenever they can.

Glad you're liking the music. I have not a clue what I'm gonna do this Monday...gawd help me please...

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oh and I've got a show to post that CoP sent to the server. We just listened to it on the way to kitcheroo and I must say, I would have loved to see whatever the hell was going on during 'Disco Shirts'.

The sisters should definately put on a Disco show some night. They could totally pull that off!

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HA!!! "Disco Shirts" always turns into someone doing a "Soul Train" dance up and down the main path wearing a Sisters Shirt...I did it last week and boy howdy did I SUCK at it which Kevin openly pointed out...I'm going to upload every tune that he's hit a bad note on...bastard!!!

For those of you who dig the Folk Alarm stuff, they'll be having their CD release of "Five" in September at Hugh's Room. This is a great venue, unfortunately a "sit-down" scenario but it's one of those really incredible intimate shows. Great music with Kevin's witty stories & banter thrown in throughout. And a good opening act seems to be the norm.

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Folk Alarm is playing at Hugh's Room in September. This time around it's a five piece ensemble and as it is their fifth Folk Alarm CD, it's tentively called "5"...clever...

I'll do my best to get them to play that one and get it posted for ya...

what is the date of that?

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