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Jay Funk Dawg

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It looks like I'll be able to make it to this one for some jammin' and some socializing. And I think I'll manage to drink a few pints while I'm there! :)

And if anybody needs a pair of cheap ($15 each including service charges) tickets to the Toronto ABB/moe. show, I'll have them with me at the Gypsy when I'm there. Just let me know that you want them in the next few hours and you can pick them up from me at the Gypsy, or get to me at the Gypsy before anybody else does.

Dr. Evil Mouse, let's do some jammin' tonight!

Peace, Mark

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I'm already feeling maudlin... :(. I expect it'll be a good turnout tonight; if you haven't yet been to any of these (Jaimoe, this means you - and CoP, you no longer have an excuse), watch out for the biblical plagues that will befall you afterwards if you don't make it ;).

I propose getting several drinks into smoothedshredder, if it'll get more than one tune out of him.

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Jay, having "last of the summer" in any subject heading is just a little too back-to-school-sale for me. :( Oh leaves, please don't fall off of your trees. I don't want this glorious heat and sunshine cocktail to ever end. *sigh*

Alas, I am unable (physically) to make it tonight. Lose Yer Shoes/Liver/Memory was a tough go. I can't handle the long drive up from the Tdot at 6:30 to get to work on time. Please though, someone get William nice and liquored, toss the lad on stage and hit record. This I wanna see. ;) Sorry that I'll miss the last one folks (and with Tonin there as well). I'll kick myself for this tomorrow...I'm just too tired to start kickin' right now. :)

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