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QotD 2005-08-20: Titular Longevity


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I was digging through some JSB I had lying around, and it made me wonder: has anybody ever had a song with a title longer than JSB's "Astronauts Attempting To Remove Their Space Suits So That They May Copulate"? That one is 12 words / 75 characters (including one space between each word), which is the longest I've ever seen.

(My favourite writer, Harlan Ellison, in response to an editor who requested a story with a long title, "because long titles are in this year," gave him a story titled "Out Near The Funicular Center Of The Universe The Wine Has Been Left Open Too Long And The Memory Has Gone Flat". The editor's gulp when he received the story apparently registed Richter 6.8. The title was later shortened to "The Wine Has Been Left Open Too Long And The Memory has Gone Flat".)

So, does anybody know of any (real, actual) songs with titles longer than that one? (Submissions of other songs with long titles, but not necessarily longer than "Astronauts..." would also be welcome.)



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How about this one by Rednex?

The Sad But True Story Of Ray Mingus, The Lumberjack Of Bulk Rock City, And His Never Slacking Stribe In Exploiting The So Far Undiscovered Areas Of The Intention To Bodily Intercourse From The Opposite Species Of His Kind, During Intake Of All The Mental Condition That Could Be Derived From Fermentation

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Came across this question awhile back on another board,I only knew of the Floyd & Queens of the stone age song (below),but here's two others that were posted by a band called "The Great Redneck Hope".

"You Think You Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire" - Queens of the Stone Age (13 words)

"They say the people elect the government they deserve, but i don't remember knife-raping any retarded nuns." by The Great Redneck Hope(18 words)

"three easy steps to digging up and reanimating your ass, only to rock it into the ground once again." by The Great Redneck Hope (19 words)

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