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iPod nano 4GB vs. iPod Colour 20GB?


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Now I have a dilemma, which I am happy to have. I ordered my free iPod the other day, and now have been informed that I can cancel my order and instead get the brand new 4GB iPod nano. It has many advantages, not only in size, but in the fact that it uses flash memory, so there are no moving parts to break.

I am also wondering if I even need 20GB.


iPod nano


iPod colour

Any thoughts on the matter would be great. I am leaning towards the new nano instead.

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My issue with my iPod is completely space related. I have the 60GB model and it will not hold my entire collection which leaves me constantly shuffling music onto and off of it. I'd go for the 20GB because I think you'll find you quickly fill it. The 4GB is cool but it's almost better as a player you load up for a jog or something. That's my $0.02.

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I have a 30 GB ipod photo. Right now, there's just over 4GB on it, but i haven't added anything new in a while, and I'm glad I have a lot more space on it. There's about 80 albums on it, some of them are double albums. I like being able to borrow cds and put them on my ipod, and i like having lots of space to do it. I like not having to pick and choose whats on it each time i use it, that everything is there all the time. The one I have is probably even bigger and heavier than the 20GB and i don;t find it too big or anything, and i'd be scared of losing it if it was that much smaller.

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It has many advantages, not only in size, but in the fact that it uses flash memory, so there are no moving parts to break.

The size is the only advantage that I can agree with, but the 20gig is pretty damn small. I was quite shocked at the size when I opened it up. Also, considering it is free, you should at least see if you can purchase the extended applecare warranty so you really don't have to worry about the moving parts. ALong with that, I don't recall seeing anything bad related to the harddrive breakin'

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I have a 60gb colour and am out of space. I have transfered most of my collection onto my pod.

I am thinking about getting another one because that is what I am now using istead of CD's.

I backed it up on an external just in case I lose the music on the pod.

I think in the long run you will want the 20gb. More space.

I am sure you are like me Brian getting new music and shows daily. You are going to want the 20gb forsure.

Well at least that is my opinion!

Hope this helps.

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Guest Low Roller

I have two 128MB mp3 players that I got for free when I bought stuff. I change the music everyday, and it only takes a couple of minutes. Works just fine for me. The 40GB stuff is just ridiculous.

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i will go it alone here and say perhaps the 4 gig one is good.

i have a 20 gig and i have about 4 gigs on it now. there are tons more shows i have that i'd like to put on it....but i can't run the software on my computer...stupid windows 98.

however...i've got TONS of music on it. almost 800 songs, and it would take me days to get through it all. when it's all music you like you don't have to skip it. changing it really isn't that big of a deal i don't think, unless you plan on using it like phunkyb does. when i get the bose player for it i think my opinion might change.

if i were in your shoes, i'd get the nano, because it is a smaller square outline in your pocket, lol. and it really isn't that big of a deal.

that's only one reason though to get it. it really depends on your needs. 4 gigs of music will last you longer than the battery, so who really cares?

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