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Call for Slip setlists and memories


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Just finishing up a piece for Jambase and I've got the bulk of the tunes and teases worked out but a few things are still nagging me. Has anybody just got an all out favourite moment from any of the shows that maybe hasn't been conveyed, tunes, teases, glances?

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One (admittedly hazy) thought that comes to mind when I think about their CTMF set was watching the band pull up in their van, climbing out and taking their first few looks around. I believe it was Brad who climbed up on top of the van to snap a few shots of the sun going down over the dancing crowd (Nero was playing) and just generally soaking in the vibe.

I also got the sense he enjoyed the blazing fire behind the crowd and he seemed very sincere when he thanked the audience for the festival and the scene.

Of course the music kicked ass but I was equally struck by their personal humility.

So, the real question is, how soon can we get them back? [Wink]

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don't forget all the smiling faces and dancin feet... [Wink]

they deserve bigger crowds and will get them, everyone I know who saw them told two friends, who'll tell two friends... anyone who caught the guys will never miss a local show again, and harass all their music loving friends to be there...

there is a lot to be said for a dedicated fan base... they're behind you for the long haul... and like to buy all your merch... its easier to acquire dedicated fans playing in more intimate settings... just because they didn't get rich playing their first shows in Hamilton and some other locales doesn't mean they shouldn't come back to those locales... they can expect double their crowds next time through because they're just that damn good and that unforgettable...

they definately enjoyed their ghost town experience!! I bumped into Brad shortly after their set and he was just kind of standing outside the saloon smiling... he was really happy to chat about the tunes and the tour and was just grinning from ear to ear...

well, hopefully they'll come back to Hamilton... after seeing them, I'd have to say that I'd travel to Toronto and Montreal to catch them too! [big Grin]

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I'm maybe not so obviously grateful to the long suffering promoters who made this a reality. That said the routing of the tour was assinine and led to undue strain on the band. At very least they can't play in break even situations in bars. They should really be flying with their support guys playing deep pocketed jazz fests and stuff. Anyways from the looks of it without betraying too many confidences I would suspect they'll only be playing centres like Toronto and Montreal. I think they're in a weird place where they have this well founded even humble need for more recognition, while they could get that from a jazz audience they'd also get alot of folded arms and bearded glares.

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