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2005 / 2006 Hockey League


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It's simple.

He drafted with a bunch of morons. McCabe is his only lucky pick, and seeing he is a defenceman, I bet he didnt take him until the 6th round at the least.

This is my guess...after his first 2 picks, he constantly giggled to himself thinking, "Holy shit! I can't believe such-n-such is still available............"

I thought that once in my draft.

Anyways, if he wins, he deserves the bullshit I am going to send him in the mail. My only wish is that he watches it "stoned to the BeJesus"

None the less kids, we wont know what is going on until a few months into the season. Remember, injuries can ravage a team. Not only that, a hot streak ends (McCabe, I am looking at you).

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From September 1st

I wish I were in the Adams Division. That should be a cake-walk for whomever Caspien is. It will be a race for last place so strap yourself in for the ride DaveyBoy. The Norris Division is easily the Group Of Death. Afterwards, we should have an all-out brawl. Good ole Norris would win that as well, without Blane or I throwing a single punch.

The Patrick Division should be re-named The Pussy Division and the Smythe Division should be known as The Suzie Division.

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Guest Low Roller

In the defence of my picks, for every round I asked myself: "what would Booche do?"... then I would go get totally hammered, put on some Slip, make a terrible decision, and then cry in the shower to the theme of The Crying Game.

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