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What ever happened to NERO?


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pablo and I have been playing with another band actually. Not very nero-esque at all, but still lots of fun.. more vocals, more covers. we jam out pretty good.. you cant really see either of us in this picture. but this was a big show.

Heres our Canada Day show.


RJ, the singer, is awesome:


He does this great routine where he goes out and gets people in the audience to sing along, like here:


Unfortunately, sometimes the boyfriends gets jealous and kick his ass:


Thanks for caring!!! KEEP ON ROCKIN!!

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Sorry, but I know what really happened. Dont fix what aint broke. I played on a soccer team that added a goalie and moved our all-star keeper to sweeper. Even though we were on the way to winning every single game that year, as soon as we toyed with the configuration we were never the same...........and DIDNT win the championship that year.


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