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Any Hookah Fans up there?

Steve from Cleveland

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It doesn't bother me much about Johnny leaving but Ed is a different story. I hope he keeps all those incredible songs alive!

I'm not looking forward to a Mullins version of hookah playing half of the songs I've grown to love.

I doubt they'll get over 3000 people out to the hookavilles anymore. I suspect a big change from the 10-15k they were seeing a few years back, anyways.

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I agree with you, bacon... I wasn't that upset with Jhonny's departure either. However, I am not looking forward to not hearing Steve tear up Alexander, The Risk, Thief, etc... Now that I think of it, the majority of my favourite songs are Ed tunes. I agree with you that it is not going to be good for their fests (at least in the forseeable future)... Who knows what the future holds. Anyhow, it does suck ass... And they ARE finishing out the rest of the year, if anyone wants to try to make it to one of their last shows. I am going to try to hit up at LEAST 2 more this year before its over :(

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I don't think they've ever played in Canada... I think that Backbacon interviewed them, he might have a little more insight as to why not... I am a HUGE fan, I've seen them over 250 times (almost an unhealthy obsession for a while ;) ) And I am pretty upset about this. However, after this past weekend with what my Dad's gone through, I realize that although it sucks, it isn't life and death, and it ain't THAT bad in the grand scheme.

Schwa, check out The Spikedrivers Sweney's been plaing with them quite a bit... Here's some shows you can stream...



More on the Archive... 10-1-05 is supposed to be the best of the lot from what I hear...


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They played Canada once. Good Forest Fest in 1998 about, in Niagra Falls or something... I wasn't there. I guess there was about 20 people there including the band and instagator and others 'opened' for them... banging drums on stage.

SfC, I was just thinking about Steve's playing during Alexander when I came back to write more here... downright spooky he can be!

Here's a quote from the hookahheads mb that sort of puts things in perspective:

OctoRy wrote:

I sure as hell aint gonna cry about it, it's not like Sweney left.

I'm sad I won't be seeing the Ed lead hookah again...

I'm going to dig up tonight that interview Babsy did with Ed and post it here. Ed is one of rock's greatest song writers.


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Werd... Yeah, I've kindof thought Ed always was a) A bit cheesy and B) a bit egotistical... That said, he has written some songs that I cannot describe how meaningful they are to me... However, there was this whole hulabaloo when Mullins left and Ed joined, and everyone was SOOOO upset about it and look how it turned out... So, I am trying to stay optimistic, and as pointed out, Sweney's the magic man as far as I'm concerned.

Tapecat (from Hookahheads) mentioned Vince Herman, and I must admit, I was thinking the same thing when I first read about it... I'll wait and see just like everyone, I suppose...


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I've seen Vince play with them several times... I'd rather a rock front man that another twang man. Vince is great and a ton of fun though. If Vnice was in, it would certainly bring out the bluegrass/ stringy side of hookah and further suppress the hard rockin side. Maybe that's the direction they're thinkin of going.

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I think it's 100% speculation at this point... As is whether they will even continue (I have a hard time believing they wouldn't). I also think Mullins coming back is a definite possibility, who knows... All the Dave & Ed shows have been changed to Katz & Mullins shows, and they are playing as "Under Full Sail" at Jamm in Jamaica (Hookah circa 1996 lineup). I would imagine that will be a litmus test of sorts...

I agree that VH would take away from the rockin' out a bit, and bring back the twang... But, from MY experience, 90% of the HARD rockin tunes are Ed tunes. Dave mainly writes the bluesy/grassy stuff (Obviously there are a few exceptions - Find Out, Back Seat, etc...)

I just hope to be able to make it down to Columbus for the LAST show of my favourite band this NYE... Ugh, I HATE the way that sounds!


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