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Grand Theft Bus in Exclaim!


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Do you think their is a chance in hell of uniting the indie snobs and the jamheads?

i.e. getting the heads to show up early for an indie act and the indie kids to stick around for something that might make them move involuntarily.

I think the music GTB makes straddles this line and I like that they are trying to blur the lines, I also feel that is what my (what the thunder said) band attempts to do, but I wonder if it is a mission that inevitably just divides the crowds and will result in mediocre success.

Your thoughts people......

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indie music fans are biggest music snobs ever. Nothing is good enough for them unless no one but them and a handful of critics have heard of the band. And god forbid a band have any major label interest. Somehow they think credibility and obscurity go hand in hand. Bunch of dickless twits.....

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i'd consider myself an 'indie-music' fan... as well as many other 'whatever-label-you-like' musics out there.

i don't think your problem is with 'indie-music' fans; i think your problem is with nitwits. they exist in every community, you just happened to paint a lot of people with the same dirty brush.


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nitwits are definitely the problem

Jammers who only like bands that are close derivative of the dead = nitwit.

Jammers who only like trance = nitwit.

Jammers who only like bands who play 45 minute tunes = nitwit.

Indie fans who mope their way through every show, and are perpetually melancholy in that greasy hair poutty kind of way = nitwit

Exclusionary folk = nit wit

Blah blah blrh! I agree they are everywhere and not hard to spot for the most part. It took some of my own de-nit-witting to learn to dig on the Indie and Dead jive and I am proud that I did.

I feel that more music exposure is only good for you (genre independant) and there is never a wasted minute at a show if your open minded and digging on those who are digging on what's going on. It's fun to listen in this vain.

Disclaimer: the above examples are listed in an attempt to show the single minded music listener...I really don't begrudge these folk too much, but I do believe they are missing out!

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No, I have a problem with people who feel that credibility in music is proportionate to their success in a mainstream market. I find in my experience with indie music fans, many of them tend to take this stance.

I could care less about nitwits. And you didn't answer my question: if my comment was so "normal" and "we do it all the time" why did you feel it necessary to point it out? Why don't you do us all a favor and point out all of our collective instances of making "normal" comments that "we do all the time"? I'm sure everyone on the board could benefit from such remarkable observational skills.

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No, I have a problem with people who feel that credibility in music is proportionate to their success in a mainstream market.

In many cases it is and in some it is not. These people have the right to be skeptical. They've just taken it a little too far I guess.

Exhibit A:


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you make me laugh. that's just a baseless attack on someone or some group that is different that you. we do it all the time, it's normal. but it still makes me laugh.


Aren't you supposed to ask what the basis of the argument is before you determine it is baseless?

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gosh we've been over the whole 'labels' issue five thousand times on this board.

i'll summarize my postition if you like...

i think labelling people snobs on the basis of the music they listen to is ridiculous. also putting massive numbers of people who don't share anything else in common except what's in their stereo under the same umbrella, and then calling them snobs is ridiculous. i think it's a shallow argument, based on what? i don't know.

so his comments i think are indeed baseless. i forgot about internet etiquette, should've added some IMHOs and IMOs to my posts. fock.


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Calling someone a snob based on the music they listen to is baseless and ridiculous. In my experience with so called indie music fans, I have been treated to the snobbery that stems from their vocal disregard for any act that has achieved mainstream success. They (those I've personally read, listened to or spoke with) infer that because a band has been successful to a wide audience, they must not be very good or credible musically. Or that because their appeal is widespread, it must somehow be a reflection of the poor quality of the music. Thats the snobbery I was refering to.

and I found it to be consistent with most of those who identified themselves as indie music fans.

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i think most indie music fans are idiots, and the muusic itself is pretty sucky too, but then again most jam-wooks are fucking idiots too, eating Epills and snorting coke off dirty toilets and noodling till the sun comes up.

i dont see the 2 scenes merging anytime soon

now shain, back to the article, what exactly does

murder ballads wrapped in twanged-out death country
sound like?

PS not a huge fan of the "new bus" sound, all the pop tunes just dont do it for me, mind you theres a few new ones i dig but far from all of the new stuff.

good use of the totally outdated term hipster too shain

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well, a murder ballad is a (quote unquote) genre of music that usually encompasses country music is some way shape or form with lyrics that have dark tendencies. 'Death Country' is a type of country music that has gothic or metal influences as well. It's just me being overtly garrulous...


Nope... no movie at the Casbah. Will I see you tonight at NMAS? I'd absolutely love that!

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