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tornado on hamilton mtn


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just heard this from co-workers

ripped off some roofs near lawfiend arena/school

mohawk and gage i beleeve

ripped across the whole mountain but i think thast where the damage was done...

anyone on the mtn hear anything? get blown away? im down in west ham right now.

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I was driving home from work (I live in the area hit)... it is unbelievalbe the size of the trees that were brought down... it had to be a tornado because there were some areas hit really bad, while others are fine. Luckily my place was ok, but very close to the path. There was even a alot of damage and trees down and my daughter's daycare... thankfully nobody was hurt... I have never had a tornado hit this close. Scary stuff.

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Well enviroment Canada says no tornado, but straightline winds instead, which do pretty much the exact same damage and are just as bad apparently.

Thats what they say right now anyway, they are going to assess things furthur.

Environement Canada doesn't know shit. The weather station in Hamilton is located at the airport so how the fuck would they know what the fuck went down on the east mountain. Eye witness accounts say that the tornado touched down at Lawfield Elementary, ripped it to shit and then dissipated. The rest of the damage was caused by high winds of about 70 kph, well below the wind speeds produced by a tornado.

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I watched it come down the street in a matter of seconds it was here and gone just as fast. i love storms but this one made me a tad worried. And it was a cat. 1 tornado . there was hail about the size of h20 bottle caps just before brown wall of foggy haze. (and it wer'nt my eyes being foggy) im near where it happened and id say a swaft about from sherman to ottawa was the main vortex size wise with a few vortex's that were up there but luckily didnt touchdown. (have to touch to be called tornado) The wierd thing is... it happend in NOV. hmmmm

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