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Has anyone is Ottawa seen the Pocket Dwellers live..


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Great live band, they deliver consistently beyond many touring jambands. That said they play a fairly consistent set so they should have it down by now. Still great schooled jazz and groove players. I like Nigel as a bandleader/MC. He's the Tony Bennett of Canadian hip hop.

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Yeah...there not bad. Me and TC saw them once at the Mod club. The set is tight, but there is no jam and very little improvisation to speak of. So if your looking for a solid hip-hop act it's what you want. If you're looking for improvisation...keep lookin' :)

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Hey all,

Has anyone is Ottawa seen the Pockets Dwellers live??? I believe the last show was at Babylon.



I had them at Elixir in June and it was goddamn fuckin amazing. Great guys, absolutely killer live show, awesome party. They played til well after last call and people were with them the whole way.

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