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I want to kill Alexis today


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what to say what to say...let's go in order of appearance...

cully - after all your bitching and moaning about how i call you gay on the board, you got your revenge, congratulations.

lazlo - fuck you.

djed - just because i ended our secret affair, doesn't mean you have to take your pet name for me public. lazlo can have you if he wants yu that bad. i'm not going to fight HIM for YOU.

sugarmegs - not all of us need to have the subtlety of sarcasm pointed out for us in purple. some of us just get it.

willy - thank you for the cyberhug...and please...eat darius...the miso soup is an excellent choice as he is japanese...but he's rather boney.

steve the owl - not much mang, how's the twa?

sarahbelle - i miss ya chica...when you comin home?

cully - darius loves you...and leaves little presents for you whenever he can.

prosty - do a better job of keeping your boytoy in line ok?

dr evilmouse - language is great. i heart language...nice seein you out last night.

ok...that was mildly entertaining....and ate up 10 minutes at work. thanks cully for giving me a dim ray of light on a saturday afternoon. and let me add, that while others get appreciation threads...it feels good to be the only one with the distinction of having a kill me thread. i thought for sure lazlo fuckface would have beaten me to that. ha! i win lazlo!

p.s. cully's gay.

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