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Fat Cats & Torngat - Fri in Hamilton


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More info on TORNGAT here:

Fri Nov 25th, CASBAH




" French horn, keyboards and drums can hold infinite possibilities, as this Montreal trio aptly demonstrates. Pietro Amato (Bell Orchestre, occasionally Arcade Fire), Mathieu Charbonneau and Julien Poissant also juggle duelling melodicas, percussion and an arsenal of effects to create captivating soundscapes and compositions that unexpectedly flowered into dance beats by the set's conclusion. Can Montreal fit another spellbinding instrumental band inside the city walls? Absolutely."

- Michael Barclay, Exclaim! 2004 Pop Montreal Festival review

"Thursday night was the first truly packed schedule of the Pop Montreal Festival. The Black

Keys, Death From Above 1979, Billy Talent, Despistado, Q And Not U and Les Georges

Leningrad were all competing for my attention. I opted instead for torngat, an instrumental

three piece that makes more noise than a small army. They were the one truly breathtaking

discovery of Pop Montreal, appropriately confined to a new venue that sprouted overnight

above a burnt out textile warehouse. The band's reputation preceded them in the form of

high praise from one of my friends, and I was stunned by their brand of post-rock-cum-

chamber pop. Imagine the most joyous moments of the Rachel's oeuvre fused with the

accessibility of Belle & Sebastian's most spellbinding melodies. In terms of the excitement

in the room and the amazed response of the crowd, it was everything Godspeed You Black

Emperor used to be, minus the politics and pretense." - Mike Baker, Splendidezine.com

2004 Pop Montreal Festival review

Julien Poissant drum kit + trumpet + percussion + melodion

Pietro Amato french horn + electronics + percussion + melodion

Mathieu Charbonneau Wurlitzer + Analog Synth + Hammond + percussion

MUSIC: http://www.torngat.ca/multimedia.htm

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I agree with Adsy. There were a lot of drunk dropping of beers on the floor. I was not as impressed with the scene at the Casbah. Didn't feel the vibe as much as I have at PJ's.

I know the CAts have been around for a long time, guess they have formed somehwta of their own following and it is different than the scene I am used to.

The Cats played a great set though!!

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I agree with Adsy.


And so your pet naming scheme finally finds its way to the message board...

Cats were great, as usual. Man, does that Hammond ever make a difference. Just so you know, Drawbar, the musicians in the audience take note of your mad B3 skillz. I must also add that this is the second time I've seen the One Way Out with "Lord it just might have to be your Iron Man, I don't know" followed by massive Iron Man riff, and I still find it hilariously good, keep it up.

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