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Im going home Donny

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I will be back in Ottawa sometime after the 19th or 20th of December... It all depends how long me, Large Marge and livingstoned decide to mangle for after seeing Stars on the 18th... I'll be sure to give you a call...

Too bad about the timing: Dave Lauzon is doing a show on Sunday, Dec. 18 as part of the Dusty Owl Reading Series. I think we may also pass each other, as I'll be heading to Toronto on or about Dec. 19; I won't be back until Dec. 28 or so, so I guess it'll be NYE before I'm able to hook up unless something mangly can be arranged right before it.



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Keep us up to speed too. And I'll see what I can do about finding some proper European absynthe (I won't publicly embarrass CJ or myself with our story about that stuff...).

I meeting a friend in Montreal this weekend and he claims to have the real deal. Got any advice?

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Don't drink a dozen shots of the stuff inside three-quarters of an hour and don't subsequently engage in any altercations with Great Danes in the parking lot outside the pub. That should get you past the worst of it, but I can't give you much more useful advice past that, except to say, Don't think about Palmolive while drinking it, because it will accelerate the puking reflex, and there are psychoactive agents in absynthe that ought by rights to be appreciated.

That night was hands-down the most serious jimmy-leg I've ever had in my entire life.

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