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I'm willing to bet that, whether he allows it or not, there'll be a recording.

I'll look into it for you after the show in April.

EDIT: Actually, I just went to the DGQ website, to see if the venue has been announced yet. I found this:

The David Grisman Quintet taping policy

We allow taping under the following conditions:

1. No board feeds

2. No mics that obscure an audience member's view.

3. The venue must also agree. If the venue says no, we will not argue with them.

Most times the venue says it is up to the band, in which case we allow "floor" taping... but if you bring so much equipment that it invades your neighbors space, then you

will probably be asked to stop. We suggest you call the venue and check their policy. - DGQ


... so I'm sure there'll be a recording kicking around later.

Edited by Guest
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when i was living in chatham and seeing lots of taped shows in Detroit, i found that it was worth a try and ask for the tapers address to his/her online list.

most of them obliged. ***steve kimock tapers are a-holes***

backbacon (if you read this) remember that dude's response at Magic Bag? grrr.

I had the pleasure of seeing the Quintet at a Hookahville and it was awesome. They actually started their show by dressing up in real hillbilly outfits and playing some blazing bluegrass. fun times!

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i saw tapers at the moe/mule show last year and I'm still waiting for that to surface, any word on that stn.mtn

I have never looked into that one, but I also saw tapers there. You should post something on the Upstream board. Someone there probably taped it, or at least will know who did.

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