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I have a new political platform I want to propose...


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I've thought long and hard about this in the past. And I've come to the conclusion that whoever came up with a 24 hour day really wasn't very busy... And furthermore whoever came up with the 8 hour work day (same person?) wasn't very bright and fucked us big time...

I can just see the pitch now:

Here's the deal. All you gotta do it come work for me for 8 hours a day! There is 24 hours in a day, I'm only asking you for 1/3 of your day, the rest of the time is all yours!

What the person who accepted this grand deal, forgot to consider was that 1/3 of our day is basically spent by sleeping... And furthermore more time is required out of our share in getting ready for and traveling to and from work. Leaving us with around 4 hours free time for ourselves... What a rip off...

If I ever meet that guy!!!

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And furthermore whoever came up with the 8 hour work day (same person?) wasn't very bright and fuÇked us big time...

Hahaha. Yeah. It was fight though really ... the 8 hour work day was the result of labour struggles against 10 hour, and 9 hour work days. Fucked up as it seems, it was a victory.

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The Earth is approximately 24000 km at the equator and rotates at about 1000 kmph making our 24 hour day. Then you throw that extra day in there every 4 years to make up for any difference because the math isn't perfect. By not slowing down the Earth's rotation day would become night and night would become day and every year would be different and nobody would be able to get into any sort of sleeping routine. However, if it were possible to perform such a feat anything not bolted down would float away.

The year is currently 8760 hours, your year would be 10950 hours. If you didn't extend the orbit it would screw up the seasons and Christmas would eventually fall in the middle of summer and anybody with a real Christmas tree in their livingrooms will kick your ass.

who the hell stuck an encyclopedia up your ass?

hey...y'all are forgetting what 'progress' means....implement new ideas and discoveries immediately and deal with any fallout/confusion/danger later.

"vote for the 30-hour day TODAY!"

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I've thought long and hard about this in the past. And I've come to the conclusion that whoever came up with a 24 hour day really wasn't very busy... And furthermore whoever came up with the 8 hour work day (same person?) wasn't very bright and fucked us big time...

I can just see the pitch now:

Here's the deal. All you gotta do it come work for me for 8 hours a day! There is 24 hours in a day, I'm only asking you for 1/3 of your day, the rest of the time is all yours!

What the person who accepted this grand deal, forgot to consider was that 1/3 of our day is basically spent by sleeping... And furthermore more time is required out of our share in getting ready for and traveling to and from work. Leaving us with around 4 hours free time for ourselves... What a rip off...

If I ever meet that guy!!!

Abu al-Hasan is credited with the introduction of equal hours around 1200 AD. Don't know if he decided on the 24 hrs or not but it's as good a place to start as any. Let me fire up the old Wayback machine, head back in time and kick him in the nuts.

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you've been fuckin' with us lately dude, what with your nearly nice/almost civil posts and all this out-of-character learn-ed shit!!!

still, you've risen inestimably in my own personal Lazlo-hate-O-meter with the correct use of "would've" rather than the more commonly incorrect and irritaing "would of"

dude...get back on the speed and bad street crack...like I said you're fucking with our perceptions and goddammit I'm almost beginning to pity you again!

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Wow, Im late on this, but this guy spoke at my school. He inspired me to miss work that day.


I wish he was running their country, or our country, or both.

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