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Can you buy a replacement blender lid hole filler thingie?


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Try going to your local Cash Converters and buying a whole blender of a similar model; if you can get a really beat-up (maybe even non-functional) one, so much the better. Then turf the blendy bits, and just use the lid.

In a pinch, take a plastic lid (from a Tupperware container, maybe, or something similar), place it on top, and hold it down with your hand.



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How old is the blender? If it's relativily new, just email the maker of the blender, tell them how much you love thier products, I guarantee, you'll get a new one...I did the same thing for a new blade on mine.

Excellent tip--and I wouldn't be lying. I do love the blender. It's the closest to a food processor I've ever encountered in blender form.

I've also decided that "turf the blendy bits" is going to be a GREAT new catch-phrase.

A prize will be sent to the skank who comes up with the best meaning of the phrase.

Contest closes 12/10/05 6 pm.

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not sure if its an Osterizer blender, or something similar, but you can just screw a regular old mason jar onto the blade assembly, the little black thing that the blades sit in, usually on older blenders, theyre threaded for the glass to screw on, and jars screw right on there. little known fact, except in mycology circles

mason jar margeritas anyone?

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not sure if its an Osterizer blender, or something similar, but you can just screw a regular old mason jar onto the blade assembly, the little black thing that the blades sit in, usually on older blenders, theyre threaded for the glass to screw on, and jars screw right on there. little known fact, except in mycology circles

mason jar margeritas anyone?

Sounds like a recipe for a kitchen covered in margaritas...at least if I attempted it...


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