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Snowboarding question


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I've been chomping at the bit to get out there this season after trying boarding twice at the end of last year (so obviously I'm way inexperienced). I'm gonna get a weekday pass at Cascade I think, as I work evenings and it's really cheap.

Anyways, they're calling for snow tonight and tomorrow so I wanna go in the morning. My question is:

If there is a snowstorm happening do people snowboard, or do they wait until after the snowstorm? Will I look like an idiot and be told "No way" when I arrive at Cascade tomorrow morning wanting to get my lift pass while the white stuff is dumping down? I have no idea on downhill etiquette or rules. I am also pretty clueless on the spelling of etiquette.

Any advice is appreciated.

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If there is a snowstorm happening do people snowboard, or do they wait until after the snowstorm? Will I look like an idiot and be told "No way" when I arrive at Cascade tomorrow morning wanting to get my lift pass while the white stuff is dumping down?

Answer 1: Yes and Yes. If it's snowing, you snowboard. If it has just snowed, you snowboard.

Answer 2: You won't look like an idiot if you show up, unless they aren't open for the season yet. I don't know anything about Cascades (I go to Edelweiss), but it wouldn't hurt to call ahead just to make sure they're actually open. Edelweiss is closed tomorrow, so I'm taking the day off and going to St. Sauveur.

Have fun, don't fall (much)!


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I hope to get out tommorow as well (Mount St. Louis or Blue) for a little warm up before I head down to Killington over Christmas. Boarding in storms is great...the falls don't hurt as much, and everyone is in a great mood at the hill!!!

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Blast. They don't open until Saturday.

Bradm, when you get a minute or two could you check into what hills in the vicinity I could hit tomorrow, with relevent pricing. Directions would be nice too. Plus I could use a backrub.

Feel free to post the search results here.

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I'd snowboard in the storm. Just make sure you've got good goggles and nothing's exposed.

OK' date=' somebody bleach out my brain to cleanse it of the images of what would make StoneMtn offer up such a warning...



Apparently, Brad, unlike some of us, you've never had to bail Velvet out of jail for indecent exposure...


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Camp Fortune, which you've been to before, so you don't need directions, opened on Dec. 10.

You might also want to look at this for

BK LIC 101 Art Of The Holy Backrub:

Two Audience Participation Bible Stories

Subject: LITURGY AND WORSHIP/Drama - CLN Office

Author(s): Long, Tom

Physical Desc.: 10 pages

Publisher: Tom Long Date: 1986

Good for when people have been sitting still too long, these stories combine a message with a massage.



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Have the slopes in Ontario generally not even yet opened for the season?

It's a struggle but I think most places will be open for good this weekend. Limited number of runs for a while though.

I've been out boarding 9 or 10 times already; out here.

Shut up. :)


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