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Dec. 23 - SKYHOOK (featuring Mikel from Azuris) @ GYPSY CO

Jay Funk Dawg

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Friday, Dec. 23th, 2005

Gypsy Co-op Jazz Groove Series Presents

SKYHOOK and Dammien Alexander

w/ DJ Maneco (party sounds)

Gyspy Co-op, 817 Queen St. W.

Toronto, ON


SKYHOOK (Montreal/Toronto)


The Skyhook sound is an ever-evolving mesh of funk-folk-soul-metal-electronica-inspired sounds. Improvisation lies at the heart of the Skyhook ideal, as the Jazz language is what sits on the unifying throne of stylistic measure. Skyhook is at once powerful, raw, groovalicious, experimental, and sincere. Originally conceived in Montreal by Mikael Tobias of Azuris Aurum ( www.azurisaurum.com), Skyhook is an attempt to incorporate electronics and danceable grooves seamlessly into a heady instrumental context where sonic playfulness and interaction still reign.

Dammien Alexander (Philadelphia Fusion)

a sneak peak performance of his upcoming release on Jive Village Records "BEAUTIFULLY"


Philly-native Dammien Alexander is an unconventional and unapologetic songwriter. His songs have an organic feel, with a distinctive R & B edge – an exciting hybrid of roots and electronic music that you'd swear has a hint of Lenny Kravitz. Soulful and honest, Hollow Adult Body is the first in a trilogy of albums to be released in the next year or so. From intimate acoustic/jazz/soul to roots/rock-fused hip-hop, his songs are profound and delicious

sample music from this artist at www.dammienalexander.com

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Since when did Tom Selleck start talking like Nelly.

Hey don't go hatin' on Nelly! Me and him are tight.

You know why?.......'Cause we both make it Hot in Here! Especially for the ladies. ;)

Caliente, Picante, Chaud, On Fire! Holla!

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Can't wait to see Mikel play guitar again,

when I helped put on the SLIP show at the Le Petit Cafe Campus a couple years back, Azuris Azurum opened the show and it unfortunately the whole band could not come, so it was a stripped down group with Mikel and a bass and drummer.. they played some sweet music; should be a great night y'all!

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