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The Brown Note


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The brown note, according to an urban legend, is an infrasonic frequency that causes humans to lose control of their bowels. Effective frequencies are reportedly between 5 and 9 Hz, below the audible range for humans (humans cannot hear below around 20 Hz).

The note was tested on the television show MythBusters using Meyer Sound subwoofers on par in quantity and quality with those used at major rock concerts. The experimenters on the show tried a series of frequencies between 5 and 10 Hz at 120–160 dBSPL, but they were unsuccessful in producing the rumored effects. They all reported some physical anxiety and shortness of breath, even a small amount of nausea, but this was dismissed by the participants, noting that sound at that frequency and intensity moves air rapidly in and out of one's lungs.

Other researchers have noted flaws in the methodology of the experiment. Rather than test the entire spectrum below 20 Hz, the MythBusters tested only three specific frequencies: 5, 7, and 9 Hz. In addition, the strategy of surrounding the subject with speakers without accounting for phase effects would have resulted in a loss of effective power being transmitted, especially at the geometrical centre of the speakers.

However, this supposed flaw in the methodology is irrelevant in regards to what the actual urban legend states. The legend states that the effective frequencies are between 5 and 9 Hz, which is the range which was tested.

Another show, Brainiac: Science Abuse made a similar experiment using 22.275 Hz at 30 dB (used by Japan's Police and tested by the French Military). During the program, they broadcast the note over the air (and into the living rooms of viewers) in an attempt to cause bowel movements among those who had chosen to stay in the room despite repeated warnings and opportunities to leave. It should be noted, however, that no television speakers and very few subwoofers are able to accurately generate sound at this frequency at a significant volume.

The brown note was featured in an episode of South Park (#317: World Wide Recorder Concert) as a sound that caused people to empty their bowels uncontrollably. In the show, this was referred to as "the Brown Noise", though the sound in the show was actually a low audible tone.

The brown note is unrelated to actual brown noise.

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