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The Police documentary by Stewart Copeland


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Has anyone heard of this????

Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out

I must see this....

it's at Sundance...

Even Copeland, who assembled Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out from Super 8 footage he shot during the band's early years in the late 1970s and early 1980s, admits he couldn't have anticipated what he found.

The Police -- Sting, Copeland and Andy Summers -- getting along.

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Why, oh why don't The Police get back together and do a tour a make zillions of dollars please?

I'd say there's about as much chance as a Police reunion as The Beatles or The Grateful Dead getting back together. Sting & Copeland mix like oil & vinegar...as in no matter how hard you shake the two together there will always be complete separation. I watched a doc a couple of years back on The Police/Sting and they were all at a wedding and ended up playing together because of the encouraging crowd. At the end of the "jam" all three remembered why they broke up and were in complete agreement that The Police would never happen again. :( Because of this "There's a Hole In My Life" ;)

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