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Mr. SS/FG in Ottawa


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Mr. Something Something will be opening for Baltimore's Kick-ass soul/funk messengers Fertile Ground tomorrow night (Feb 1st) at the Babylon in Ottawa. You don't want to miss this night... Added Bonus: due to a promotional error tickets have been dropped to $15!! Eventhough it's a Wed- you should be there. Mr. SS kicks it off around 9:30pm.


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Okay, I'm in... aparantly I'm in charge of running a set of drums up from Toronto (There's got to be some more economical way!!! ;) ) Ah well, making a mid-week-extendebender:

Wednesday: Fertile Ground/The Sum Sums

Thursday: SoulJazz Orchestra

Friday: WTTS/Chameleon Project

Satuday: Sadies MegaShow + Friends

Looking forward to seeing you guys at the bar! (And this doens't count as my "Feburary X-country Ski Trip... where perhaps we can dabble in Polar Bear Fence painting?; This ones all buisness :))

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Hey there,

whoever went to this, do you know where William (SmoothedShredder) ended up last night? He is staying at my house but another guest locked the door and he wouldn't have been able to get in.... Let's hope he crashed with someone else?

Anyone know?


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Oops! It wasn't a warm night last night either. Here's hoping something worked out.

What a great pair of bands! We only caught the tail end of SS's set, but they were spot on, and I throughly enjoyed Fertile Ground - holy polyrhythm! I had the hardest time deciding whether to dance and lose myself in it, or sit perfectly still and have my mind blown away. If they come back, I do hope the room is fuller than it ended up being (granted, cold Wed. night and all, but still).

How'd the recording turn out, btw?

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Good to hear a few Ottawa peeps were able to check out FG. Hopefully you could see the hype was justified. They're an expensive band to bring up AND are virtually off the radar for the concert going public, this board included.

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I was very impressed by FG (although they sort of face-planted into cheeze at one point late in the show, when they had people sing "Fertile Ground" along with them; it kind of broke the abstract/spiritual thing they had going). The keyboard player flat-out floored me, especially because he was also doing the bass lines.

It was a short set, though, probably about one (full) CD. I managed to clear recording with the promoter, and I think it came out pretty nice. It'll be mono (due to the mic placement), but I think everything'll be there.

I'm going to send a copy to the band first, and then let them decide what, if anything, they're cool with me doing with it. If they don't want me to copy it for friends, I won't.



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Only caught one song of Mr. S², but yeah, Fertile Ground was pretty cool. I agree with bradm, though ... the whole getting the crowd to sing/chant the band name is super cheese, and I wish they (or anyone else) wouldn't do it.

Definately worth checking out, and man oh man, is that woman comfortable in her body or what? She's got the moves.

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Definately worth checking out, and man oh man, is that woman comfortable in her body or what? She's got the moves.

like I said...incredibly delicious eye-candy, that's for sure. That ultra-sexy mama had me so hot by the end of the night, ALL meanings intended!

ps glad Will didn't end up in his car. How lucky didja get Will?

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