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A couple of sweet BSS pics


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I apparently blew a chance to meet her at their Jan. 21st show at the Kool Haus. Snelly said she was standing five feet behind us during one part of the show but I was so focused on the stage that I didn't turn around at all. Not that I was in any shape to speak to her when I was there. Snelly didn't know who she was at the time or he said he would have made me turn around. Oh well, I'll hopefully meet her eventually, if for nothing else than to thank her for making some of my favorite music at the moment.

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That's actually pretty funny. Thanks for the link. Although this quote:

Danny Humphries, who just joined the collective two weeks ago when he showed up to deliver a couple of pizzas to a BSS practice session, admitted he's a little nervous now that the group will be making cuts.

"I don't really play an instrument, or sing or anything-I just stand on stage and jump up and down in a dolphin costume during shows, so I might be deemed expendable by Coach Kavanaugh," admitted Humphries.

would be more applicable to The Flaming Lips than BSS... :P

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One Said:

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Out of curiosity, what do you listen to?"

sorry, that was a little harsh of me. i can't even say my opinion is all that educated when it comes to BSS, i just don't really like the concept of all those sounds all at once. i heard a few songs, and it was too busy for me.

as far as what I like, i guess you could call it the list of the "obvious big american jam bands" ie:


string cheese



yada yada the list goes on

as well as classics like the dead, neil young, old & in the way, Grisman, all that. anyways, i'll stop cluttering up your thread.

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A few pics from my first BSS show in Geneva, Switzerland, 2004. Not the best photos as I had just got the camera at that point and wasn't too handy with it yet. Still, gives you an idea of how small the venue was. Probably 100 people there.

I hope these won't be giant!



Outside of the venue (I just like this one, so I included it).


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One Said:

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Out of curiosity, what do you listen to?"

sorry, that was a little harsh of me. i can't even say my opinion is all that educated when it comes to BSS, i just don't really like the concept of all those sounds all at once. i heard a few songs, and it was too busy for me.

as far as what I like, i guess you could call it the list of the "obvious big american jam bands" ie:


string cheese



yada yada the list goes on

as well as classics like the dead, neil young, old & in the way, Grisman, all that. anyways, i'll stop cluttering up your thread.

I share your above tastes but feel compelled to mention that I had never heard (to my knowledge) anything from BSS prior to my roommate and One recommending I join them for the kool haus show this past Jan.

they blew me away...i hear you on the busyness of a lot going on at once however some of the above mentioned also have lots going on at once. BSS has taken it 6 or 7 steps further (as far as bodies on stage) but damn they fucking kicked ass when i saw them. So I dunno I can't knock anything until I give it a fair chance I guess and i did end up recognizing a few tunes which I did like prior just didn't know it was BSS...

I've found this happening a few times over the past few years - before hearing recorded studio work from bands i've gone to shows on the recommendation of friends who have other similar tastes in music. After enjoying live I hear the studio work and think wow glad I saw them live first. Didn't happen for me with BSS as I still haven't heard any studio stuff but live - I very much enjoyed.

they put forth so much energy in what they do it was quite impressive...

I must say though - unfortunately I am vertically challenged which usually doesn't bother me i've come to accept this fact about myself when going to shows if i can get up front to see what the actual artists are doing - great and I do love to sometime get close and see the non-verbal communication however most times I am satisfied without view instead just moving around/dancing to the tunes - this show however was I was severly disappointed in the fact that I could not get anywhere near the front and the fuckers that were in the front were just standing there...even when the band told them to let loose and get into it. [color:blue]edit to add - kevin and fiest even jumped off stage and crowd surfed...said fuckers just stood there afterwards. Like if you don't dance - fine but at least look like you're enjoy the entertainment...but I digress.

anyway to each their own of course but I always find it kind of funny when someone says 'they suck' referring to a band i like when in fact myself and that same person share so many other common likes - musically.

Edited by Guest
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I can't believe how much of a hard on some people have for this band (or maybe just Amy) They are good at what they do, but they definately are not the legends that some people make them out to be IMO...

Legends?... no way; not yet. But they have kicked fresh sounds and excitement into today's boring rock & roll.

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I guess that is true...

I just think it is so sad when the mainstream gets their claws in a band like this (great for them financially) but now if I want to go see them it has to be in a crapy venue like the Koolhaus. I just feel that there are so many people that are in to this band because it is the cool thing to do right now...anyone else?

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I guess that is true...

I just think it is so sad when the mainstream gets their claws in a band like this (great for them financially) but now if I want to go see them it has to be in a crapy venue like the Koolhaus. I just feel that there are so many people that are in to this band because it is the cool thing to do right now...anyone else?

agreed and you know who they are - they are the f#ckers that were crowding the place standing around looking like they had better places to be....those are the people who are into this band because its cool

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I just feel that there are so many people that are in to this band because it is the cool thing to do right now...anyone else?

I seem to remember this same arguement being made regarding Phish, The Slip and several other bands. I don't listen to music because I think it's the cool thing to do. I listen to music because I like it and think it's good.

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