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Olympic Plea


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This will probably get ignored as it's kind of a selfish request...


if at all possible can people leave hockey scores / results out of the subject lines of posts for games that are broadcast during the workday? Some of us have to wait until midnight to see the re-broadcasts of the games.... Or can you use the spoiler tags when talking about scores or something? I dunno.


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How about they put scores in, but make them up so they don't reflect reality?

Well if I didn't know the difference it would be MY reality, and in reality I'd rather not know the score, but still check in once and a while on the Skanks.

So I guess this isn't gonna work. Thought I'd give it a try.

Carry on


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I don't see how you can avoid finding out the score until you watch the replay. Unless you work alone, or all of your co-workers don't care about hockey. You'll have to avoid all TV, radio, and news-related web sites. I wish you luck!

I've made similar pleas to CBC, Sports Illustrated, the Toronto Star, CFRA, Team 1200, the Sun, everyone I might come in contact with.

This forum is the only place I've got a reply, but I'm pretty confident the others will follow the Jambands.ca lead.


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