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Jon Stewart & The Oscars


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I'm just wondering how you thought he did last night. He's getting mixed reviews by the press. I thought he was pretty low-key, but consistantly funny throughout. Oscar audiences are always restrained and Jon couldn't feed off their lack of energy in his opening few jokes in the monologue. The telecast itself was quick by Oscar standards, but lacked real highs and memorable moments - I liked hearing and seeing Dolly perform, but music or lack thereof was disappointing.

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I have to agree it was pretty forgettable. I did like Ben Stiller's presentation though.

I'm a huge Jon Stewart fan but I really think the Oscar host should be a theatre person. Billy Crystal set the bar pretty high. I'm not sure anyone can top him as the most entertaining host.

Oh and I'm glad Reese won best actress. Atta girl!

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I think he was probably forced to scale it down by the stuffy academy folk who really have no sense of humour.

i did like his remark after the make-up award where he said he didn't understand how painting russel crow's face to look like he got into a fight would be that hard.

and i thought the 'campaign' ads for best actress in a leading role were pretty funny.. "reese witherspoon, now that's a nice, American name".

other than that i think i fell alseep around quarter after ten and missed the rest.

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Stewart was good but I think I had such high expectations for him going in that I was a little disappointed with the result. I loved the jab at Scientology, and the "tribute to montages" line.

The show really did fly by but one of the things I like about the Oscar telecast is how bloated it usually is. I was prepared for another hour! And I hate how they pace the show so that all the big awards are in the last half hour and it's such a blur by the time it's all over. Playing music behind every speech sucked big time as well. I was really hoping one of the winners would go with it and sing the acceptance speech.

So yeah, big fan of the Oscars but agree that last night's show was not memorable in the least.

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Best thing all night by Stewart:

"For those keeping count Three 6 Mafia one Oscar, Martin Scorsese 0!"

Unbeleivable, if you've ever heard any 3 6 mafia albums they're pretty hardcore.

The are one of the orgiantors of horrcore rap. Rap that is very descriptive about killing and torture.

They also have amny tracks about selling crack!

Egads! Who though they'd win. But I guess money and marketing prevail? Any either way a song is a song and if it sells or is good for a film whatever.

I just wonder if anyone from the academy has ever heard a full 3 six mafia album? :o

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