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Come Together Music Fest update ...

mark tonin

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i dunno, im not really that far in the know - that's just the response i got when i asked him about his experience at ghost town once upon a time. i didnt press, but i had heard from some other people that they werent too happy with the whole thing, and that pretty much confirmed it for me.

sure feelings can change, and of course i'd love to see the slip there, but i dont see it likely.

I thought I should chime in here as I know what Guigs is alluding to. Basically it could be summed up with Andrew saying to me that "this is about the most 'roots' festival we've ever played" of course he was using the term quasi-pejoratively. That said I would say the Slip are perhaps the worst judges of the quality of their own performances, having seen likely more Canadian Slip shows than anyone here, with the exception of the last few Montreal shows, and knowing them as I do, I would rank the Ghost town show right up there with anything I have seen them play. I had a decent influence on that playlist as it was one of the first if not the first time they asked me what I would like to hear, I instinctively and judiciously (which is interestingly the term that a recent reviewer/interviewer aptly used to describe their playing) deferred the question by saying that a jungle/ drum and bass tune would be appropriate (leaving it to them to do either Tenfold or Aptos or a free jungle improv) and I think I asked for Rainmaker which I called 7th House because of the predominant lyric, which they did and haven't done hardly at all if ever since (they did one airing as The Lips at Matt Murphy's in Boston recently). Rainmaker I assure you is one of those tunes they pretend to have forgotten about which is embarassingly absent from playlists, right up their with Yellow Medecine, You Might Say, Eube, Alsoa, Julia's Kitchen, Nellie Jean etc.

So no I can't see them ever playing that venue again but I might argue for some right reasons and some wrong reasons. As I have told them many times their Canadian fanbase having been weened on the new material is far more accepting of what they are doing now live but also they are far more knowledgable and gripped by the back catalogue. Listeners like Guigs and Del are cases in this point.

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Scott Taylor and his crew are doing sound, same crew as last few fests at Izzy's.

Boo. Wait. I should be fair here. The defintely seem to have their shit together getting setup and everything connected and everything working all tickety-boo. But, I really disliked a lot of the mix at the past CTMF. If Doug's going to be there it'd be cool if bands could request him on the main board. I imagine that would ruffle a few feathers. :D

I know I'm not alone in this thinking but I may be the only one that brings it up.

In any event, woo-hoo!!! CTMF at Frontier Town!

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well, its not just me, i'm going with a crew of i think, at last count, 14....

but i have a feeling, it may fall through...so i dont want to committ to anything...

telling folks that aren't into the scene, but have only 'heard' of the ghost town, that the cost is 30 a night, a person, might be tough....

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yeah that's kind of a bummer but you can't really get into any fest these days for a cheap price and have all the freedom you have at CTMF. I think I've ever gone to CTMF because it has the best line-up. It's the people and the freedom you get that makes it all worthwhile.

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If i had a request it would definitely be Truths and Rights!!!!!!

Also, do any of the band members have comments on the sound crew from last year? No offense meant Willy, it's just that most of the other fans I've talked to said the sound was fine and I know the crew is more concerned about whether the bands would like anything different.

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No offense meant Willy, it's just that most of the other fans I've talked to said the sound was fine and I know the crew is more concerned about whether the bands would like anything different.

Absolutely no offense taken bokonon. Really. I would point out that the mix the band is hearing is not the mix that the crowd is hearing so really, the band have no idea what the mix sounds like to the crowd. I would suggest a couple of problems that were blatently apparent with the sound. First, it was too loud by the end of the night. Far too loud. Second, the kick drum was way too predominant in the mix which, both overpowered other low-end parts of the sound, and made me wince each time it was played.

Of course, sound is subjective (I guess) and what do I really know anyway. (Absolutely nothing in case you're struggling for an answer.) I can tell you that the upstairs room at the Lancaster during the fundraiser made my hair stand on end it was so beautifully mixed and I can tell you that Roy Thomson Hall makes me cry every time I'm there simply because the sound is so flawless. That's my two cents worth. I'd love to see an open discussion about this.

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Willy, you are a huge music fan, and you love to listen to music, so you definitely know something about sound!

A number of people have expressed many of the same comments to me about the main stage sound at last year's two Come Together Fests that you did. A huge positive is the fact that the sound system worked for the entire weekend at both festivals, without any major problems. Yes the sound went down on one night, but that was because of a power outage caused by a tragic vehicle accident with a hydro pole on a nearby highway.

From a band perspective, the on-stage sound was very good, at least it was when I was up there. Lots of stage monitors, which was great for hearing vocals.

A number of people said that the main sound was too loud, and I agree that it was at times. It seemed like the sound was being mixed for a larger area than it needed to be. I will suggest that this could be an important issue to deal with at Frontier Town ... let's minimize the possibility of noise complaints.

Doug's mixing skills were being utilized on the acoustic stage at the Labour Day festival, and I know a number of audience members and musicians who were very happy with that.

Peace, Mark

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well, the sound guy is deaf in one ear!

i think he should get a new job then! thats like a baseball pitcher with only one arm, come on!

i remember chatting with doug at the main stage, i guess it was may 24, as i wasnt there on labour day, man doug is a great soundguy, reallly glad he will be doing the sound at my wedding.

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