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Leaf fans at work


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They're full of piss and vinegar this morning. Did the Leafs win last night or something? Talk of "Wouldn't it be great if they made a run?!". I haven't heard such ridiculous statements from them in two months. Then I piped up and the talk turned to "Any team but Ottawa", e.g. "I hope they lose to Tampa in the first round".

I had actually forgotten how much I hate Leaf fans. Sing it loud and sing it proud, "LEAFS SUCK!!"

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Guest Low Roller

The worst part is that if the Sens win the Cup this year, the Leaf fans won't stop saying "that's because we weren't in the playoffs this year".

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The worst part is that if the Sens win the Cup this year, the Leaf fans won't stop saying "that's because we weren't in the playoffs this year".

That argument won't hold water:

"Your team won the Cup this year because our team was too shitty to make the playoffs".

However, we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. As a Sens fan, I'm more worried about Buffalo and Carolina.

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I can't really call last night's game a "win" as Boston practically handed the game to the Leafs and it still went to a shootout...

I am a Leafs fan but this season they don't deserve to be in the playoffs. Haven't noticed too much passion on the ice or bench...and it's all about "making the playoffs" when it should be about "winning the cup"...

The whole organization needs a much needed overhaul from management on down...

They're on the road for the next seven games without Belfour...good chance for Tellqvist to see if he has it in him...

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The worst part is that if the Sens win the Cup this year, the Leaf fans won't stop saying "that's because we weren't in the playoffs this year".

I honestly think some of the Leaf fans at work would rather quit than have to come in the next morning if the Sens win the cup this year.

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Then, they get mathematically eliminated by the Sens in another 8-0 romp, on Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday April 15th.

I prefer a shootout with Toronto's favourite player getting the winning goal for Ottawa then tossing his stick into the stands.

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You know what would be awesome? If the Leafs made the playoffs and beat the Sens in a gruelling seven gamer, then went on to the cup and lost 4 straight to a team the Senators could have easily beaten. That would make Hal happy.

See, this is what I don't get about Leaf fans. They would throw their own team under the bus just to spite Ottawa. I think they can't come to terms with the fact that Toronto is no longer "Canada's Team". (You'd think the fact that they fly the colours of Quebec would be the first clue.)

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Im a habs fan first and foremost. It was Ottawa that made me a Leaf fan. Watching the Leafs beat them year after year was too much fun. Wierdly enough, as a Habs fan, I could care less about the Senators. But for the record, Its Senators fans who start shit by always sayinbg the LEafs suck, never stopping to realize that that makes the Senators SUCK MORE.

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All of my lame jabs aside, I think the Sens are a fantastic team that has a legitimate shot at the cup, provided Hasek stays healthy of course. Buffalo is looking very good right now, and so is Carolina, and either team can give the Sens a run for their money. Detroit is also looking like champs and anybody who has to play them is in for a tough run too. But I really dont like making predictions, cuz it takes the fun out of it for me.

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