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BRETT FULSOM BAND Mar 31 06 Mt Currie, BC (review)


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The Brett Fulsom Band have returned! After an eight-year hiatus (apart from a few one-off shows over the years with various line-ups that never included the whole band) they kicked off their western tour with a reunion show at the Mt. Currie Tavern on Friday night. I rarely travel north to Mt. Currie, but this gig was definitely worth the drive up from Whistler.

For those of you who never did get the chance to see Brett and his cronies back in the day, you need not worry that you missed your chance. This was not a nostalgia act. The band has a new modern sound, more electronic than in the old days with some odd computer-type machines on stage, but still play their old classics, and last night they were on fire like I’ve never seen them. If you see these guys on this tour, you are seeing a band that is just as dynamic as in the days that they played fifty shows per year.

The band is a five-piece, with two guitarists (Brett and the really-tall-guy, who both sing as well), a bassist, a keyboardist, drummer and a fully insane percussionist. On this tour, though, they are also teaming up with local DJs in every town, and last night they invited “DJ Darr-C†to join them. To be honest, I was more than a little sceptical of the whole DJ thing, as I really just wanted to see the old BFB that I remember, but I was very quickly won over. DJ Darr-C started playing with the band during the final song of first set, “Cunning Linguistâ€, and then there was a seamless transition while the band left the stage and the DJ set began.

DJ Darr-C rocked the house by himself for about a full hour, until the band returned. Apart from spinning some craziness, he also did some “beatboxingâ€, and he must have gone on doing that for five full minutes making sounds with his mouth that I couldn’t believe. He reminded me of Radio Active; it was incredible.

Then … another seamless transition back into BFB …

At the beginning of second set, the bassist (the guy who used to have the huge afro) came out by himself, and just started jamming with the DJ, who did some more beatboxing. Before you knew it, the rest of the band was up there too, coming on stage one-by-one, and the set was on. DJ Darr-C stayed up there until the end of “Cromulentâ€. Wow.

Second set was definitely higher energy than the first. First set was danceable, but second set had the house shaking. There was practically nowhere to move on the floor, and the energy just kept building all the way through the set.

Then … the hilarious moment when the band pulled out their most frequently-played encore, “Birthday Suitâ€. Of course, dozens of people stripped naked; just like in the old days, and I don’t think the bar-staff knew what to do. In the end, they just let it go, because there was really nothing they could do about it anyway. I love anarchy.

I really hope it isn’t another eight years before I see these guys on stage again. Brett said last night that they’re working on a new CD, to be released around New Years 2007, so I’m optimistic that BFB is back. I really hope so. Also, they are playing gigs (mostly in obscure, little towns as usual) all the way across Canada as they travel east, until they make it home to Quebec; and I encourage everyone to get out and see these guys somewhere along the way.


Set 1

Fulsom of the People (Some of the Time)


Phenomenal Noumena ->

(jam) ->

A Pair o’ Docs

Fat Man in the Bathtub (Little Feat) ->

(jam) ->

Aiko Aiko (trad.) ->

Steppin’ Razor (Tosh)

Solar Sailor

Charlie’s Enormous Mouth (Zappa) ->

(jam) ->

Cunning Linguist *

DJ Set

DJ Darr-C throwin’ down for about an hour

Set 2

Cromulent *

The James Brown Note

Functus ->

(jam) ->

By Myself, Masticating

(some new song I don’t know)

(another new song I don’t know) ->

(jam) ->

(another new song I don’t know)

Sailin’ Through an Isaac Haze ->

(jam) ->

Kaya (Marley)



Birthday Suit** ->

Big Black Furry Creature From Mars (Phish) ->

Birthday Suit ->

Fulsom of the People (reprise)

Quote of the Day:

Right on; they’re coming out for an encore! Ohmigod, what are those people doing?

* w/ DJ Darr-C

* * most of the dance floor strips naked (bar staff look shocked and thrilled)

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  • 1 month later...

StoneMtn, you rock. Sorry about taking so long to reply. I just got back a few days ago and there ain't no internet where we've been (well, not on computer anyway), so I'm only now checking my PM's etc. Your review is awesome and maybe just a tad generous. I forgot we did Stepping Razor that night (although, I've already forgotton most of that night, thanks to you) and, to be fair, only a couple of people got totally nude during Birhtday Suit. And never the people you want to see jumping around sweaty and naked.(If Flower is who I think it is, then this comment is directed towards you!) DJ Darr-C rocked and he played all the dates up to Morinville/Edmonton with us. I wasn't sure the whole style adjustment would be well received, but other than Brandon and the Peg (bloody Manitoba), most seem to really like it. Mt Currie is well worn and world weary (just like home) but the peeps were tearing the place apart. Quite a crowd and relly very fuctup. And C-Towns, press kit and blog are coming soon to a theatre near you, but, these things take time. You know how it is...hippies. Thanks again StoneMtn.

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This the best news ever, I've been waiting years to see BFB again.

I went with my bro to my first BFB show back in 94. Never heard of them before but my bro was a big fan. I didn't know what i was in for, that night changed my life and really opened my eyes to what good music was. It was a 3 night run at the Birdland and the place was packed. I'll never forget my first "Birthday Suit" this old couple at the front stripped down and went crazy on the dance floor till the manager made them get dressed. The show was a good 3 hrs, standard for that era, not as long as the marathon shows of lore but still great.

I caught about 12 shows total all 3 night runs in Halifax, I had tickets for another run that got cancelled in 98 due to the beginning of the ugliness and drama that the band was going through. Never thought they'd be back but I'm glad they are! I'm going to go put on some BFB right now and pray to god that they'll play an Ottawa date soon.

Thanks StnMtn you just made my day

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Unless I'm mistaken, most of their shows are on actual cassettes, and even if they have something digital (which I don't think they do) I don't think they've ever gotten it together to figure out the Archive or anything.

EDIT TO ADD: ... and the only "album" I ever had was also on cassette. (I think there were actually two or three, but I haven't seen copies of anything in years.)

It seems like lots of bands from that era aren't available on the Archive. For instance, you'd think that Days of You would be on there by now, but nope.

Edited by Guest
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I had heard they actually hated tapers at their shows hence the lack of good quality sounding recordings out there. I have a couple I scored off my brother. The sound is brutal but its better than no BFB at all. My bro once told me the bass player ripped a guys mics off the wall one night at a show and had him tossed out, accused him of being a thief and shit....but thats back when the bassist was into his purist spiritual thing, crazy since he was still high on smack pretty much all the time.

I've got a couple songs on my computer somewhere let me see if I can find them so everyone else can catch the BFB fever

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That probably explains why I have no BFB lying around from the old days; even on cassette. I usually keep irreplaceable stuff that I have on tape, with the goal of eventually digitizing it. I would have thought I'd have done that with BFB, and I guess I just never had any tapes of live shows.

I remember that incident with the taper and the bassist; now that you remind me. I think that happened somewhere in the Ottawa Valley. I don't think I ever knew it was a fight over stealing music. I think the rumour-mill had the word spreading that the taper-guy and the bassist's ex-girlfriend had been hanging out around that time...)

I think the bassist is a bit more "normal" now; or so he seemed when I met them all in March. Hey man, if you're reading this it was a pleasure hanging out with you guys in Mt. Currie!

Freeker: I'd love a live tune or two if you can dig one up; regardless of the sound quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm such a nerd that I subscribe to an email list called "Word of the Day". Today, I learned a new word. No offense to Brett (who probably already knew what his name means when it's misspelled) but here is today's word...

Word of the Day for Tuesday, May 16, 2006

fulsome \FUL-sum\, adjective:

1. Offensive to the taste or sensibilities.

2. Insincere or excessively lavish; especially, offensive from excess of praise.

He recorded the event in his journal: "Long evening visit from Mr. Langtree--a fulsome flatterer."

-- Edward L. Widmer, Young America: The Flowering of Democracy in New York City

Concealed disgust under the appearance of fulsome endearment.

-- Oliver Goldsmith, The Citizen of the World


Fulsome is from Middle English fulsom, from full + -som, "-some."

Y'know; come to think of it ... the word is surprisingly appropriate for this band, especially when I think back to those bar-staff and the looks on their faces during Birthday Suit at that last show. lol

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