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Café Dekcuf

Phunky Cauldron

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I'm just wondering what everyone thinks of this venue. I know that it seems to be the place where most of our shows go down here in ottawa, but I noticed a couple people talking about overcrowding at the Nero show over the weekend. Does anybody have any ideas as to other locations (preferably market area) where our bands could play that might be a little larger than Dekcuf. Another thing with Dekcuf is that there are never any people that just walk in off the street. This is good and bad. It's good cause you really feel the community vibe cause you know everybody in the bar, but it's bad cause the bands end up playing for the same 40/50 people everytime they show up. At a larger venue that's not as hard to find as dekcuf (up the stairs through an unmarked door) there would be a bunch of people there simply for the good times and then they'd get to hear what our bands have to offer. This might make the ottawa scene grow a little faster. I think that this is something that our promoters should look into (Velvet?). What do y'all think about a change of venue every once in a while. I guess that babylon is rockin every once in a while, but I find it out of the way and tough to get to. Maybe that's just because of where I live. Anyhow, that's my 2 cents.


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I feel that the Dekcuf is one of the sweetest bars in town. I personally didn't feel over-crowded on Saturday, just crowded.

That's the price of a killer show though.

I think nero's a blast in there,...probably in part because of the lighting. The lighting plays with their music perfectly. We only just witnessed 2 really packed nero shows at the Dekcuf...from NYE to the 25th. I can handle more.

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The pros definitely out weigh the cons with Cafe Dekcuf.

- best sound and lights in town

- friendly staff and management that support the scene

I did feel a little claustrophobic on Saturday, but that's a good thing - a local establishment packed for a local band. You may never get that "walk-up crowd" at Dekcuf, but I'm not convinced that it exists for live music in Ottawa.

For what it's worth, it's my favourite venue to play.

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I've been to a few shows at Dekcuf so far and it was only at the past nero show that I found it too crowded, but in all fairness I am rather prone to claustrophobia. Apart from that one instance I have always enjoyed the experience of seeing shows there. Perhaps another venue would be better suited for big "event" type shows, but I think Deckuf is great for week in week out gigs.

All of course IMHO,

Rob Not Bob

NP : Bob Weir and Friends at the annual Warren Haynes Christmas Jam, 12/21/02

A pity Bob and Warren hate each other so much, huh? [Roll Eyes]

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Jamband Thursdays at Cafe Dekcuf... [Razz][Razz]

I guess we really haven't publicized this too much lately (we probably should) but the kind folks at Dekcuf have recently decided that Thursdays will become Jamband Thursdays at Cafe Dekcuf.

Of course, it's obvious that we need to reach more people to make this thing fly, there aren't enough of us regulars, but that is THE GOAL!

Dekcuf is willing to stick with the night to make it work, and I think it's great that we have a sweet venue that is in "our head-space" and is willing to try to grow our scene with us!!

We are looking for people, and ideas to make this weekly thing fly, from people who are willing to put up some posters, or contribute with ideas, any help is welcome!!

And above all.......we're always looking for bands or non-musical acts to perform on Thursdays!

Ideas/help much appreciated!!


(I'm gonna give this a topic of it's own as well)

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I absolutely love the Dekcuf as a patron and as a performer. The lighting and sound are incredible consistantly, the staff knows our names, makes us special drinks and gets in on all our crazy fun. They are super people who support our scene and that is rare to find.

The nostalgia I feel each time I walk through those doors is something I don't feel anywhere else. We watched nero "grow up" in that room and we watched the Ottawa scene "grow up" there. That's special.

Dekcuf has a central, down-town location. And at Saturday's show I saw more people that I didn't know than those I did. This is definitely a sign that people other than Sanctuarians frequent the joint.

I am all for change of scenery and variety, but Cafe Dekcuf rocks!

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