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Ok things died down, and lots of people asked me what happened to this post, so I am bringing it back

WANTED 1 HEADY WIFE must have own tools and extensive knowlege of vw repairs, must be willing to live in a vw westy with me no matter how bad i smell. i'll do the cooking and cleaning. preferably must have rich parents that will be willing to suport me.

if intrested please send pictures of tools to jaredlipson@hotmail.com

Ok don't get offened again people,, its just a joke,, unless you are a girl and want to be my heady wife, then i'm serious

i'm a nice guy, living in a lonly van

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You sir, are a sexist. I am so offended I could just kick my dishwahser, but the bitch ran off on me. But seriously, you can't find a women this way Jared. You need to have a diamond tied to a string and then just throw it in fromt of one, and start pulling slowly. When she gets close, you hit her on the head with a club, get her hypnotized and tell her you are very successful and rich and that you respect her over and over.

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hmmm that sounds like a good plan,, wher can i get the diamond? and i was think of digging a huge hole and the covering it,, and then putting some jelwery on top so when they try and pick it up they fall in,,, then i'd hit them with the hypnosis until they really like me [Eek!]

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I gots me a mandolin, and I dont know how to play it either. I gots me a heady wife too!

BUT, if I keep plinkin' that thingy the way I am now, I may not have one for too long [Eek!]

I make it sound like I know what I am doing, but that appeal has lost its zeal..................

Dont fake it maaaaaaaaan.

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hey jared...good luck. the pitiful lonely guy routine isn't working for me either...and i'm sure i'm cooler than you, so definitely good luck.

hell, i should wish MYSELF some luck. It's getting to the point where i don't care anymore...to be honest, i'm content sitting here at my apartment with my nose crusted with cat tranquilizers. (come on, it's only ketamine)

I play bass...now I think THAT'S a sexy instrument. More manly than a guitar...longer, thicker,bigger strings, more resonant...it makes your tummy quiver when you play it...it helps to hit that all so important rhythmic groove...ladies, you know what i'[m talkin about.

now if only i were in a band that played shows and I could somehow get some groupies...i wouldn't be so intent on silly things like this big strawberry shortcake leftover from last night's dinner...i'd be playing a show somewhere drinking a beer, hopefully swatting off hypnotized fans that would be trying to sit on my lap and drink my beer...who'm i fooling...i wouldn't be swatting.

but seriously...good luck with the heady wife thing. I think we all deserve to have a cool girlfriend. even the girls [Razz]

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canned beats you posted that twice man,, go under edit and erase one.. and bouche, i got sick of trying to learn after 2 months. you? i have a book,, teach your self to play mandolin,, its all yourse if you want it,, i think it has a cd in it.. and canned beats,, i am way cooler then you

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Originally posted by Canned Beats:...to be honest, i'm content sitting here at my apartment with my nose crusted with cat tranquilizers. (come on, it's only ketamine)

I play bass...now I think THAT'S a sexy instrument. More manly than a guitar...longer, thicker,bigger strings, more resonant...it makes your tummy quiver when you play it...it helps to hit that all so important rhythmic groove...ladies, you know what i'[m talkin about.

Ummm...I just need to read a formal statement from the union of brother bassmen, bartenders and groove machines local 221.

We wish to immediately distance oursleves from the remarks posted above. We feel that bassplayers have aquired a certain revered status in the outskirts of the recording arts industry. Wise, Kind, and Witty, the bass players is all players best friend, and never sleeps with his drummer's wife. The individual above represents a smaller, but present class of bass players, who thrive on the same excesses as guitar players and rock and roll singers. Shit-talking, girly-grabbin', crotch stuffers who'd rather get fucked up and fucked than pump up the funk, if you know what I mean. This player is a modern Pan. Some skill at getting you off with music, but more trouble than he's worth. That being said, I must proclaim, I play bass and don't answer cheap internet offers for sex and certainly do not place them myself or endorse the ads of other sick, twisted, perverted little devils with their beady eyes, and hippy buses. Thank you and g'nite.

That was a prepared statment.

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Hey tonyrage, how 'bout you, you looking for a band? Obviously you've got a whole philosophical thing going around your instrument and it's place in the universe which is all good as far as I'm concerned. I don't have beady eyes or a hippie bus, but I do play harmonica, which I guess is a little like a pan pipe sorta, only with more soul… anyway whatever, if you're interested in jamming or something same email address as above.

- M.

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Jared, I got sick of it as soon as I found me a Heady Wife [Wink]

Actually, I didnt get sick of it, my priorities changed.....................there's your clincher baby.

Seriously though, if you have a book and a cd, I can set up a trade for shows or something. Dont expect to get the deal done too soon though, I am sooooooooooooo far behind in trades, it aint funny.

Ask Basher and Doug.............

(There coming boys, I swear to youse! Speaking of which, Doug, I thought you sent me blanks!!!!!!! ITS GOT THAT SHOW ON THERE! Thank you!!!!!!!!)

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no man i was offering to give you the book and cd cause i'n not using it,, you go tony,, how do you think of this stuff i hope your wern't dissing me with the beaty eyes and hippy bus,, cause i like my hippy bus and my beaty eyes.. but i guess if i didn't know it was a dis then i don't care. bastard,, and your bro is soo the wookie

and music face,, dude tony can groove, i think i met you at may 24 i was working the gate,, i look like a wookie,, i was drunk you offered me some beer,, get him your band,, and play some gigs that i can come to

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I guess to an extent I dig on star power, but who's kidding...i'm no star.

I hope you're laughing just as hard as I am...because I know us bass players get sensitive.

I dig on more than the funk groove...but when it's deep it's the dream of the sleep.

I get so energized from it at times and never does it lead me to lustful escapades...

...I dig my ficticious sense of humour and I hope everyone else understands it a bit.

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hey jared....i'm here to give you some confidence!! no need to go the diamond nor the musician route. my boy snatched me in by inviting me to come and see his mini school bus that he was converting into a home. done deal.....three years later we are still together, mind you we had to immigrate into an apartment as we felt it unfair to raise a four legged canine in such small quarters!! best of luck....it can be done!!! [Wink][Wink]

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