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ok i'm giving away a prize package courtacy or me and pure hemp,, I will give away an asortment of pure hemp and smoking papers, as well as a smoking t shirt amd a fast fuel organic power bar to any one who replies to this and convincec me why they should win

I'll take stories, pomes, letters, drawing, and anything else you think might help to convince me to send you this stuff.

I will contact the winner and arange shipping

have fun

save a tree pulp hemp

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So let's say we want to make paper:

  • [*]Nice, supple paper for whatever purpose, or nice, soft paper for that "comfortably clean" feeling.

[*]Paper for throwing around and blowing around.

[*]Paper to print the news of the day today and be yesterday's news tomorrow.

[*]Paper in volume. Paper in constant demand.

[*]Paper like weeds.

Alright, what should we make it out of?

Here's an idea:

  • [*]Let's use something hard, something enduring, something that takes decades to replace.

[*]Something that provides homes for animals and building materials for people.

[*]Something that holds the soil against the wind and the rain.

[*]Something with that kind of stamina that makes it hard to beat into a pulp.

I suppose that would do, but does anyone have a better idea?

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I suppose that would do, but does anyone have a better idea?

I would chose Rice papers.

No "burning salts" in them or chemical glues.

I do have a half box of king size pure hemp though,great skins also.

But I'll continue with my rice ones though,tastes the best IMO.


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Originally posted by Esau13:

I would chose Rice papers.

I suspect it would make lousy flyering paper and rather sticky toilet paper. I was talking about more than just rolling papers, which I know nothing about. Commercial papermaking is chemical engineering, which I know a little about.

Rice paper is made of starch; regular paper (and hemp paper) is made of celluose, which is much tougher stuff.

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Hehe, I kinda got stuck on the rolling papers and didnt carry on with the other.

Some papers(not rolling) I have read about are 40% hemp 40% flax 20% cotton.Well this is what the article was sayin' in one of my past union magazines.(Ecosource paper).

It's Canadian also.


The Paper is manufactured without the use of tree fibre. It is made from vegetable fibres obtained from quickly renewed annual crops such as hemp, flax, cereal straw, corn or other vegetables. Therefore, no trees were cut to make tree-free paper. Tree-free paper is one of the most environmentally-friendly paper products of our time. ~

This is the link in the mag.


There are alternatives out there.

My knowledge is limited to what some of the electrical would be in a pulp & paper mill,even then,average.

I would still chose rice papers to roll with. [Wink]

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I don't know if I should win, but I'd sure like to. I want to get as many packs of rolling papers (and as many different brands) as possible, so I can take them apart and see how they manage to get people (with very tiny hands, presumably) to get all those little pieces of paper folded up and layered so well, at mass-production rates. I have enough trouble making a single paper airplane; putting together pack after pack after pack of Zig-Zags must be an incredibly daunting task, and it's my mission in life to find out how they do it. Rolling Paper Elves, I am your nemesis! I will discover your secrets, not unlike Heinrich Schliemann's quest for the lost city of Troy.



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yeah jared i find if you give those papers one quick lick they usually stay fine, but if someone drools all over them they are a mess. A great paper though. And tooly is right thank god for those papers or we would of been stuck, first bowl of the night i had my bowl between my legs packin it in my seat and then all the sudden i here cling...cling..cling.clingcling [Frown]

then tooly digged deep into his frontier pants and out came the pure hemp [big Grin]

everything was grand from there on.

Hows that for a story.

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thats pretty good, if you need a new pipe give me ashout i can get some for extra cheep.

i agree they we should use hemp for all types of paper, and who ever was talijng about ecopapermm that stuff is all fine and great,, except it cost almost double what paper costs, and as a result of thet most pplaces won't sell it it,,, booooooo

and for the guy wondering how the papers get in the pack,,,i'll i know is they come from spain,, barcalona i think,, so maybe start you hunt there,, look for someone with lots of paper cuts

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Well, let me tell you a story. And it's funny the timing and all since the question was raised here about how the papers get in the pack. Now Jared has started us off with the fact that these papers come from Spain. Now, not many of you know this, but I am also from Spain, and had the fortune of stumbling upon a very deep and old secret. One day while I was in a foxhole, Franco's guns blazing all around and my militia unit down to myself, a peasnt farmer named Juan and a young American reporter name Ernie. We had been up all night drinking wine and sharing stories about our Novias, and had developed quite the bond. Which is why I was surprised after briefly falling asleep to find that the other two had deserted me. Now I had been sure that I was in a field north of the main fighting action, but when I awoke I found myself slightly south of where I should have been, and also, to my amazement, the fighting seemed to have stopped. In fact, there was a deathly still in the air that morning, and no other soul was in sight.

I stood and examined the hills around me. A purple sheen covered them and I found it was impossible to focus on them at all. I figured I would need a closer look. As I moved towards these distant hills, I found that my pace did not match the speed I was travelling. I tried to slow down, only to find the scenery going by faster and faster. I felt light, airy, like a breath of fog in a giant valley. As I was swept along, I noticed other beings around me. They were small, very small and had these cute little hats that were pointy and red. I tried to grab one, but he bit me and laughed and said "What do you think you are doing?"

I replied that I wasn't sure, but I thought I was trying to go to the hills.

The little bugger snorted and with a disgusted look said, "Those hills aren't for you. Those are the hills of the Smoking Mines, and are only for true hemp, rice and eco-gnomes."

"Well", I exclaimed, "What do you Gnomes do in the Smoking Caves."

The little Gnome, somehow I knew his name was Not Peter, smiled up and said "Wouldn't you like to know".

Right then, I felt a horrible burning and realized that I was right back where I had started and Ernest Hemingway had given me a bad case of the Clap. So, the moral of the story is, don't fall asleep in a foxhole with a gay American reporter, cause you'll end up pissing fire for three months, and you still won't know how they get the papers in the packs.

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don't lick too hard??>

come on now...that's the most ridiculously fallable plan for rolling a tight doob.

to be honest, jared, I thik I should win because I know how to get around the glue issue.


i cna't believe nobody taught you how to do that guys. all you fools and your zig zags. they taste like the formaldehyde in the glue...no wonder you lick the glue...it screws you up...note to the pure hemp guys...if you want to seel more rolling papers on tour make special dose glue. it'd at least make the party a bit more psychadelic.

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lol maybe you should win for being th first person to mention licking the back of the paper,,, you would be suprised how many people don't know that,, i personly find it hard to lick the back cause i always spill the tobbaco,, but i think its jsut the kind if thing you have to get used to.. but the started putting mnore glue on the papers so people wouln't lick it all off. i find one quick lick across the whole thing always works fine,, its whn you go for the second lick when all the glue comes off.

and i will pass on the dose idea to my boss, but i have an ide that he won't go for it

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You can take that a step further. If you roll the joint with the paper backwards, and lick the back where the paper first meets itself. Then, burn off the extra paper and that's about as effecient as it gets. You end up with only one layer of paper. I myself have not had luck in using this technique as it requires some practise and I am not disposed to that kind of thing, but have seen others spin like this with dank (hippy slang?) results. Sick (hs).

I'm outty (hippy slang appropriated from the Ebonic "Yo, I'm outty").

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