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°∞oO Caution Jam Boat Cruise - June 3rd Oo∞°


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I've been reading this thread from time to time, also with great envy...we'll miss being there this year, and miss the post-cruise campfire awesomeness (and all you fine folk, we'll miss the most, of course) but Booche, Douglas, dave & I and other assorted skanks will put our BEST efforts forth this Sat to get SO drunk, we actually feel the tilt-y waves as if we're on a boat!

Crissinger: bring back the refrain that had me pissing myself: (glass/beer bottle raised in salute..."WE'RE DRINKING ON A BOAT!!!!!!")

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Crissinger: bring back the refrain that had me pissing myself: (glass/beer bottle raised in salute..."WE'RE DRINKING ON A BOAT!!!!!!")

I heard an old recording of a boat cruise and I'm sorry to say that was not the inagural use of that line. :( Dammit, and I thought we were special. I think we can count on hearing that tomorrow night!

One more sleep to go! We've starting pre-gaming already!

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YAYYYYY!!! I can't believe in only one more sleep I'll be drinkin' the night away on Georgian Bay. Fuckin' right. Too bad that Team Scully won't be in attendance (especially as I have to redeem my party rep this weekend), but I'll have a few frosty bevvies for ya. Mister Slippery, I'm super excited that you're going to make it this year. In response to your "how tolerant are the crew query", let me just say this:

vodka watermelon = NO

fireworks = NO

smoking uptop = YES

bringing water bottles on board full of gin = YES

So yeah, they're cool with the buds, etc. (heck, most of the staff are in their 20s or 30s and understand how to have a good time), but they've never taken well to explosives on board. Hmmm...

Okay, I hope to see a whole lot more of you folks on the boat tomorrow (Margaret, Bethers?). I'm leaving my better half at home and bringing my A Game. Things are gonna get crazy with all of this whiskey talk. Delicious! I think my folks are even stopping by to blend up some fancy rum drinks. Fuck yeah *kick*! By this time tomorrow I'll be packing up the van and heading to the P-tang. I love summer!

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but seriously glad youse be the ones REPRESENTING Team Scully!!!!

note to all kind and kindred folk....PLEASE fish my drunk compatriots outta the lake should they happen to plunge overboard!

final note: I LOVE YOU KAIDY MAE!!!! (Tell Brinapple that the girls LOVE his hoops -- we're all waiting for a private lesson) -- will miss you all this wknd....call soon, okay???

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